Letter of Application
Letter of Resignation
When should you use the statement "References available upon request" on your resume? a. When you don't really have references and want to buy some time to find them. b. When you don't have room on your resume and want to keep it to one page. c. Never--employers don't call references anyway. d. Always--make the employer come to you.
B. When you don't have room on your resume and want to keep it to one page.
True or False? A letter of application should be sent only when the employer requests one. Otherwise, you can just send your resume.
False: a letter of application should always accompany a resume.
True or False? You should chew gum during an interview to help calm your nerves.
False. Chewing gum can be distracting and perceived as unprofessional.
A letter of resignation should be submitted to your employer at least ______________ before your last day.
2 weeks
Does this sentence use apostrophes correctly? I am going to the store to buy marshmallow's.
No- marshmallows is just plural.
True or False? You should avoid using complete sentences in a resume.
True--Avoiding complete sentences eliminates unnecessary repetition (usually of the subject "I").
Which organizational model should a letter of application follow? a. RET b. ADT c. PEAT d. DKDC
C. Purpose, Explanation, Action, Thanks
The day after an interview you should ______________.
Send a follow-up thank you letter
Writing a letter of resignation is a. an act of courtesy that usually pays off because your employer is willing to be your reference. b. a way to see how valuable you are to the company because your employer might offer your more money to stay on.
Does this sentence have parallel structure? I love reading, writing, and biking.
True or False? You should use block formatting when typing your resume.
False--block formatting (aligning everything to the left side) will result in a visually unbalanced resume.
The last paragraph of a cover letter should include a restatement of your thesis, ___________________, your contact information, and a statement of thanks.
A request for an interview
When an interviewer asks you if you have any questions, which of the following are the best responses? a. No, not right now. b. When can I expect a call back? c. How much will I get paid? d. In your opinion, what is the best part of this job?
b and d
Letters of resignation follow the ADT organizational model. (Announcement, Details, Thanks). Which of the following is NOT something you would include in the details section? a. an offer to train your replacement b. what you've gained from your time on the job c. your salary at your new job d. how much you'll miss your coworkers
In letters of application, it is a stylistic faux pas to begin each sentence with what word?
Which are the 3 best references if you want to apply for a CNA position? a. Dr. Sharma, your neighbor who is a doctor b. Mrs. Carl, your Med. Oc. Terms teacher c. Mr. Paul, the director of the nursing home where you volunteered. d. Mrs. Kobs, your English teacher e. Mr. and Mrs. Everett, whose children you babysit
B, C and E (med. oc. terms teacher, nursing home director, and babysitting employer)
Why should a candidate avoid starting statements with "I think, I feel, or I believe"?
These statements detract from the confident and convincing tone you want to create in your letter of application (and your interview).
An interview should begin and end with ______________.
a handshake
Which is the appropriate salutation for a letter of resignation from Dwight Schrute to Michael Scott? a. Dear Mr. Scott: b. Dear Michael, c. Dear Michael:
C. Dear Michael: (colon makes it a business letter but since they had a close working relationship, first name is okay)
Fix this sentence to it has parallel structure: I have experience working on cars, fixing motorcycles, and I did some repairs on a tractor once.
I have experience working on cars, motorcycles, and even tractors.
Correctly order the following job experiences: a. Copps, November 2012-present b. Culvers, June-September 2011 c. Target, May-August 2012 d. McDonalds, September 2012-present
Reverse Chronological Order: a. Copps, November 2012-present d. McDonalds, September 2012-present c. Target, May-August 2012 b. Culvers, June-September 2011
Thesis: My knowledge of Japanese culture and cuisine and my performance skills make me a strong candidate for the hibachi chef position. Based on this thesis, what should the reader expect the next paragraphs to be about?
1. details and explanations to show the writer's knowlege of Japanese cuisine (courses taken, immersion experiences, episodes of Iron Chef watched) 2. details to support that this person can perform in front of an audience
Question: What is your biggest weakness? Answer: I have a hard time delegating responsibility. How would you improve this answer without changing the weakness?
End on a positive note (explain how you are working on asking others for help in group projects or that it stems from wanting to make sure a job is done right)
What is wrong with this closing paragraph? How would you change it? I expect my last check to be forwarded to my new mailing address after I leave. Also, let me know when my insurance coverage ends. Thanks. Sincerely, Bob
The tone could be more courteous (Could you please forward my last check...I would appreciate it if you let me know...) Also, the letter should end on a positive note.
Reorder this sentence to avoid starting with I: I worked as a dance instructor throughout college because I wanted more experience working with high schoolers.
Because I wanted more experience working with high schoolers, I worked as a dance instructor throughout college.