4 stacks of 25
What is the number of bags for popcorn sales
150 hours
What is school. Base hours?
Recycle, cougar store, popcorn sales
What are school base enterprises?
What is not acceptable on a job site?
Salt 64
Where Mrs.Basbson son works
1 cup of kernels and 1 cup of oil
What is our recipe for popcorn?
Community base requirements
What is 20025 hours ?
Eric's,Locals,Eggs up, Costal golf cart
What is community base ?
Girls lacrosse couch
Who is Mr.taylor ?
What is our average sales every Friday ?
Goals one should have before joining the workforce.
What are my career goals?
our classes R word
What is reputation ?
60 hours
How Many works hours ?
Mazda RX8
What is Mr. Tanner's favorite car brand?
Eric's grill
What is OCS favorite Job sites ?
What is the engine on Mrs.Babson Harley Davidson?