Self Awareness is...
Being able to understand and recognize our own thoughts, emotions, and actions
Being impulsive means
Acting without thinking the choice through.
What is a relationship?
Any connection between two people
Emotional regulation is...
Our ability to manage and control our emotions
Responsibility is...
being dependable, making good choices, and taking accountability for your actions.
You need to change the way you are thinking about yourself.
Name a technique that we can use to help us control our impulses
Take a deep breath
Count to ten
Use a stress ball, etc.
2 different types of relationships are
Friendships, Family relationships
What is something I can do to help me calm down when I am feeling overwhelmed
Take a deep breath, take a drink of water, or take a break and move my body
This or That: Which is the responsible decision?
A: You do your homework when you get home from school
B: You do your homework on the bus/car ride to school in the morning
A: You do your homework when you get home from school
3 examples of self awareness are
1. Being able to identify your emotions when you feel them
2. Understanding your own needs
3. Setting achievable goals for yourself
What game did we play that needed impulse control
(not sure yet but will fill it in when we know)
True or False: It is important to have a good relationship with yourself
True! It helps you feel more confident and comfortable
examples: Accepting yourself, following your dreams and being your own cheerleader
Why is it important to learn how to regulate our emotions?
It lets us slow down and calmly respond to situations rather than being impulsive.
You see someone cheating on a test in school, do you...
A: Look the other way
B: Ask for the answers
C: Tell an adult and let them sort it out
D: Yell at the person cheating to stop it
C: Tell an adult and let them sort it out
What is something that we do every meeting to practice self awareness
~Talk with each other about our week
~Feelings scale/gratitude jar
True or False: Emotional regulation also has an impact on impulse control
Why are building new relationships important?
It helps us become better friends and have people we can trust.
What activity did we do to show us our different emotions
(not sure yet but will fill it in when we know)
The activity we did to practice making responsible decisions was...
(TBD will fill in after we do activity)