What does AI need to learn from experience?
Which feature on your smartphone is powered by AI?
Facial recognition or voice assistants
How could AI revolutionize healthcare?
By helping doctors diagnose diseases and develop new treatments
What job develops and builds AI systems and algorithms?
an AI engineer
How does AI learn to improve its abilities over time?
By seeing more data and using algorithms
What is one way AI learns to solve problems?
How does AI help you in online shopping
By suggesting products based on your past purchases or browsing
How can AI impact education?
By creating personalized learning experiences and helping teachers tailor lessons
Who collects, analyzes, and interprets data to help train AI models?
A data scientist
What is the relationship between the amount of data AI gets and its ability to learn?
the more data, the better it learns, like training a puppy
What does AI do with the data it analyzes?
Identify patterns, make predictions, and solve problems
How does AI impact social media?
By showing you content based on your interests and helping you connect with people
How could AI help the environment?
By monitoring climate change, developing new energy sources, and reducing pollution
What career focuses on building and improving AI models that learn from data?
a machine learning specialist
What’s a good way to think of data when teaching AI?
examples vary
What is an analogy for AI learning from data, similar to how humans learn?
Like a student studying for a test
How could AI help us reduce pollution?
By monitoring the environment and developing solutions for energy efficiency
What is a future possibility for AI in transportation
Automated or self-driving cars
What job conducts research to advance the field of AI?
an AI researcher
What is a key benefit of having more data for AI to learn from
the ability to make more accurate predictions and decisions
What are algorithms in AI similar to?
Recipes or instructions
What feature in self-driving cars is powered by AI?
Autonomous navigation and decision-making
How can AI help in new discoveries?
By helping scientists explore new frontiers like discovering new planets or materials
Which profession works to ensure ethical guidelines are followed in AI development?
an AI ethics consultant
What is a common analogy used to describe how AI learns from data
examples vary