The way which an Amoeba reproduces.
Binary Fission.
Towards the front
This Class of animal has 6 legs and 2 antennae
What is Class Insecta
This plants has seeds covered by cones
how Amoeba eat
The life cycle of the butterfly.
What is complete metamorphosis.
Towards the bottom
in on the top of the fish
What is the dorsal fin.
These plants have no vascular tissue
Transports water and nutrients from the leaves to the plant's roots
What is Phloem
How Paramecium reproduce
What is conjugation
Towards the top
This organ is responsible for enzyme production and secretion
The pancreas.
Theses plants have fruits and flowers
A collection of cells that perform similar or the same function.
The two phases in the life of a rhizopus
What are the sporophyte and the gametophyte.
Towards the middle
What is medial
This animal spends sections of its life in both land and water.
The male sexual organ of the plant.
C6H12O6 + 602 --> 6CO2 + 6H2O+ 36ATP
What Aerobic Respiration
How do frogs reproduce
Sexually, by intercourse, or by the depositing of sperm on released eggs.
This describes a model which is only symmetrical across a line only one angle.
What is bilateral symmetry.
This animal is has no eyes and navigates by using its sense of smell and pheromones.
Plants with vascular tissue.
What is a tracheid
The semi-permeable phospholipid bilayer
Cell Membrane