The study of structure.
What is anatomy?
How many muscles are in the body?
Bones that form the spinal column.
What are vertebrae?
The skin, hair and nails.
What makes up the integumentary system?
Receives, interprets and responds to the various stimuli by coordinating the activities of the various organ systems.
What does the nervous system do?
The study of biological function.
Cords of tissue that connect muscles to bones.
What are tendons?
Structures that attach bone to bone.
What are ligaments?
How many major layers of skin are there?
The brain and spinal cord.
What does the central nervous system consist of?
Structures visible to the naked eye.
What does gross anatomy look at?
Generate its own stimulus to contract.
What can the cardiac muscle do that other muscles can not?
The humerus, radius and ulna.
What bones are located in the arm?
What is the epidermis/What does the epidermis do?
System responsible for aspects we have no or little control over.
What is the autonomic/involuntary system?
The body's state of balance between all the body processes.
What is homeostasis?
In the airways of the respiratory system, the digestive tract and the blood vessels.
Where can involuntary/smooth muscle be found?
How many vertebrae are in the thoracic spine?
Subcutaneous Layer
What is the innermost layer of the skin? Which layer is mainly composed of fat?
System responsible for aspects we have control over.
What is the somatic/voluntary nervous system?
The external surfaces and the shapes given by underlying structures.
What does topographic anatomy look at?
The bones of the skeleton.
What are the voluntary/skeletal/striated muscles attached to?
What are the bones in/of the pelvic girdle?
Blood vessels, hair follicles, sweat glands, oil glands and sensory nerves.
What does the dermis contain?
All the nerves that transmit messages to and from the central nervous system.
What does the peripheral nervous system contain?