Notable Numbers
Protocol Proficiency
Difficult Diagnoses
Skills Station

During CPR, this is how frequently you check for a carotid or femoral pulse.

What is every 2 minutes?


The administration of oral glucose or IV dextrose occurs at this level.

What is 60mg/dL?


This condition is often accompanied by diffuse wheezing, swollen lips tongue or throat, dyspnea, hypotension, tachycardia, abnormal skin color, generalized hives, low oxygen saturation, stridor, and/or loss of peripheral pulses.

What is anaphylaxis?


These are the locations to measure a NPA (nasopharyngeal airway).

What is the tip of the nose to the earlobe?


In an acute (recent) overdose, this medication can be considered to help absorb any remaining drug/toxins from the GI tract.

What is Activated Charcoal?


According to TCCC, if a patient has a palpable carotid pulse, his/her systolic blood pressure is at least this.

What is 60mmHg?


Decapitation, decomposition, rigor mortis, lividity, and traumatic injuries incompatible with life refer to this protocol.

What is Presumed Dead on Arrival?


Recognized by symptoms like fever, rapid heart rate, and altered mental status, this life-threatening condition results from the body's extreme response to an infection.

What is sepsis?


This is the least number of personnel that it takes to apply physical restraints on a combative patient.

What is 4?


What popular Christmas song was originally written for Thanksgiving?

What is Jingle Bells?


This is how often you need to check a patient's upper/lower extremity circulation after applying physical restraints.

What is every 15 minutes?


If you have a civilian patient stating that he/she is suicidal, but refusing medical treatment/transport, this is our standard operating procedures.

What is giving the patient a mental health resource handout and letting them speak with OMD?


This is the temperature typically accepted for the definition of heat injury.

What is 104F (40C)?


Most people place this incorrectly.  A pelvic binder shoulder be centered here.

What are the greater trochanters?


This is the term used when one EMS unit is requesting help from another EMS unit.

What is Mutual Aid?


Per USNHO's Trauma Activation Guidelines, a fall from this many feet requires a Level 1 activation.

What is >15 feet (5 meters)?


In femur fractures, a fracture at what other locations is a contraindication for using a traction splint?  (Name at least 1)

What is a pelvic, knee, tib/fib, or ankle fracture?


This is the temperature at which hypothermia is defined.

What is 90-95° F (32-35°C)?


In adult cardiac arrest, if you place this device, CPR goes from a 30:2 (compression:ventilation) ratio to continuous respirations with ventilation every 6 seconds.

What is a supraglottic airway?


This is the highest grossing Christmas movie of all time.

What is The Grinch?


This is the patient's GCS score if they open their eyes to pressure, mutter inappropriate words, and localizes to painful stimuli?

What is GCS 10?


Red lights & sirens only reduce transport times by 1-3 minutes, but increase the risk of a car accident 3-fold.  These are 3 conditions in which red lights & sirens are indicated per policy.

What is:

- Airway obstruction or compromise (e.g. inability to ventilate, inability to secure an airway, or pending airway collapse)

- Respiratory emergencies (e.g. persistent hypoxia despite maximal interventions, pending respiratory arrest)

- Emergency childbirth, particularly for high-risk situations (pre-term labor, breech presentation, known fetal abnormalities or prenatal complications)

- Major trauma

- Uncontrolled hemorrhage

- ST-elevation myocardial Infarction

- Suspected or confirmed stroke

- Hemodynamic instability (e.g. systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg, altered mental status, evidence of inadequate end-organ perfusion)

- Other time-sensitive condition


In a patient with severe chest pain, back pain, and unequal blood pressures in both arms, what life-threatening diagnosis are you concerned about?

What is an Aortic Dissection?


These are the 2 different locations to perform a needle decompression for a patient with a pneumothorax.

What is the 2nd intercostal space of the midclavicular line and the 4th-5th intercostal space of the anterior axillary line?


The ratio of compressions to ventilation is always 30:2, except in this situation, where it is 15:2.

What is 2 rescuer pediatric CPR?
