Medications for an asthma attack.
What is albuterol and oxygen?
Early, Late, and Irreversible Shock.
What is the stages of shock?
Artery that carries deoxygenated blood.
What is the pulmonary artery?
The law that protects people who render aid in the best interests of the patient.
What is the good Samaritan law?
Type of pregnancy develops in the fallopian tube.
What is ectopic pregnancy?
Term for bones grinding together
What is crepitus?
Bleed or clot.
What is a stroke?
The appearance of the baby's head at the vaginal opening.
What is crowning?
Movement of a gas from a higher concentration to a lower concentration.
What is diffusion?
You would use an occlusive bandage and you would tape 3 sides.
What is a sucking chest wound?
Epilepsy, Tumor, Infection, OD, Fever
What are causes of seizures?
Most common cause for cardiac arrest in kids.
What is respiratory failure?
How to treat an unresponsive infant who is chocking.
What are 5 Black blows and 5 compressions?
Steps in controlling arterial bleeding.
What are direct pressure, pressure dressing and tourniquet?
Blood pressure while laying, sitting and standing.
What is orthostatic BP?
You would need a spotter when doing this action.
What is backing up an ambulance?
Delivery of the placenta.
What is third stage of labor?
Illness caused by swelling and inflammation of the trachea and larynx, commonly seen in patient's between 6 months and 3 years.
What is croup?
The type of injury that should be suspected when the patient has "raccoon eyes".
What is a skull fx?
The dominant pacemaker of the heart is...
What is SA Node.
Weaponized virus, Chemical agent designed to do harm to people and a "dirty" bomb are examples.
What are weapons of mass destruction?
Serious condition where the placenta separates prematurely.
What is abruptio placenta?