How many months have 28 days
what is all of them!
What television sitcom, starring Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz was released on Oct 15th, 1951?
What is I Love Lucy
Where can you find resources for Older Adults social developments.
Community Information Centre of Waterloo Region
If you want more info ask for a flyer :)
Who served as the first Prime Minister of Canada?
Who is John A McDonald
What is the hardest mineral
What is a Diamond
What has hands and a face, but cant hold anything but a smile?
What is a clock
What popular show in 1955 was staged in the Wild West?
What is Gunsmoke.
This is a holistic approach to healthcare that brings together the social and medical models of health and wellness. It provides a formal pathway for health providers to address the diverse determinants of health, using the familiar and trusted process of writing a prescription.
this program bridges the gap between clinical and social care by referring patients to local, non-clinical services that are chosen according to the client’s interests, goals, and gifts. It allows doctors, nurse practitioners, and interprofessional health providers to formally refer patients to community-based programs.
What is Social Prescribing ask your health care provider or visit
Which ethnic group was once forced to pay a head tax to migrate to Canada?
Chinese Canadians
This is the strongest bone in the body
What is the Femur
It belongs to you, but your friends use it more. What is it?
What is your name
in 1955, who had a number one Billboard hit with "Heart of Stone"
Who are the Fontane Sisters?
What is the revised new/old program at Elder Mediation Services (EMS).
Co-Mentors provide support for older adults experiencing loneliness, isolation and conflict in their lives. They connects older adults a co-mentor with whom they can share their experiences and concerns. In turn, this relationship works to empower older adults to feel safe and supported.
Co-Mentors provide encouragement to develop positive conflict resolution skills and build healthy, positive relationships with others.
Who chose the name British Columbia
Who was Queen Victoria
This number is considered to be a "bakers dozen"
What is 13?
if you don't keep me, Ill break. What am I ?
What is a promise
What is the longest daytime running drama that moved from radio to television in 1952?
What is Guiding Light
This service is available by phone for those looking to speak to a friendly voice or by text, online search, email or chat for those looking for convenience or who feel the stigma of asking for help. This makes our service available to all people of Ontario regardless of their level of digital understanding or ability to access the internet.
What is 211, some programs include Elder Specific Community, and Social Services Programs, adult housing support, healthcare info, financial assistance programs.
The title of the longest freshwater beach in the world can be claimed by which Canadian Beach?
What is Wasaga Beach 14 Kilometers in length
How many legs does a lobster have
what is 10
There's only one word in the dictionary that's spelled wrong.
What is it?
What is the word WRONG, its the only word spelled W-R-O-N-G
What popular tv show in 1950 was a game show where people asked yes or no questions to guess their unusual profession.
What is What's my Line.
This service offers older adults (55+) and their families, friends, care partners, service providers and others in their lives a process to address conflict, elder abuse, and decision-making that affect their vital relationships and their long-term wellbeing. We also provide education and group support to older adults experiencing or risk of conflict.
Older adults can engage with those who caused harm, and their support people, to safely and respectfully discuss how to address harm or conflict. Mediation is helpful for family or neighbour conflict, as well as, financial, physical, psychological, or sexual abuse, and neglect.
What is CJI’s Elder Mediation Services (EMS)
This person designed the Canadian Flag
Who is George Stanley
Name the three major oceans surrounding Canada
What are the Pacific, Atlantic, and Artic