How long do we have to report possible child abuse?
Oral report 12 hours- written 48 hours.
A person who authorizes the EMTs in service to provide medical care in the field-
Medical Director
How many pole lengths should we be from a downed pole and wires?
2 pole lengths
This device allows us to transport patients down stairs without lifting
stair chair
Per our protocol, how long do we do hands on CPR before using the Lucas machine?
8 minutes
These are placed on the chest and the back of a child under 8 during a cardiac arrest
AED pads
The failure to provide the same care that a person with similar training would provide
When arriving at a scene of a medical, which side of the street should we park on?
same side as the incident
This is used when a patient needs 15 L/Min of oxygen?
non rebreather
If a person has a witnessed arrest, how long do we use 15LPM non-rebreather of O2 before we start using a BVM?
7 minutes
When do you start CPR on an infant?
When pulse is under 60 beats per minute
The ability to understand and process information and make a choice regarding appropriate medical care–
decision making capacity
What are 3 pieces of PPE needed to go into a car to treat a patient during an extrication?
jumpsuit, goggles, helmet, extrication gloves
This device measures the percent of hemoglobin saturation in the body?
Pulse Oximeter
we are performing CPR for 20 minutes and there is no shockable rhythm. It is decided by all involved to stop CPR. What are the steps necessary to cease CPR?
Call medical direction, give overall assessment and get permission for time of death.
This can happen when a child spikes a fever quickly
informed consent
FALSE- you always bring a radio into every scene
device used to apply pressure to a limb or extremity in order to stop the flow of blood
false, do not place the AED directly on the pacemaker
What is the method to quickly summarize the health of a new born baby?
APGAR scale
a medical order that a person should not receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation if ones heart stops
while on scene of a traffic accident, is your bunker gear considered ANSI (American national standards institute) approved?
NO- only safety vests that are ANSI class two or higher approved
If your feet are on the street a vest should be on your chest!!!!
a form of positive airway pressure ventilation in which a constant level of pressure greater than atmospheric pressure is continuously applied to the upper respiratory tract
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)