Intro to EMS
Well-being of the EMT
Lifting and Moving
Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues
Medical Terms
Anatomy and Physiology
Principles of Pathophys
Life Span Development

The EMT's role in the quality improvement process includes becoming involved in the quality process, keeping carefully written documentation, obtaining feedback from patients and the hospital staff, continuing your education, and

Maintaining Equipment


What is the primary reason for an EMT to change gloves between contacts with different patients?

To prevent spreading infection to the next patient


What is the likely impact of power stretchers on EMS?

a decrease in the number of injuries among EMTs


In what situations should an EMT withhold resuscitative measures from a patient in cardiac arrest?

The patient's caregiver presents a DNR order signed by the patient and his physician.


Anatomic position?

Standing, facing forward, with arms at the side, palms forward


What is the larger bone of the lower leg?



The net result of respiratory challenges is low oxygen, also called ________, within the body.



Infancy is defined as the stage of life from birth to:

12 months.


The group credited with developing the earliest documented emergency medical service?



You and another new EMT are studying your local protocols. The other EMT notices that you may give oral glucose without utilizing on-line medical control, but you must get an on-line order from a physician before assisting a patient in taking his nitroglycerin for chest pain. The EMT asks you why some drugs require on-line medical control while others do not. What is the best answer to give him?

The physician wants to be sure it is appropriate for the patient.


While transporting a patient to the hospital who has a history of terminal brain cancer, the patient says, "I know I'm going to die, but first I want to see my grandson graduate from high school." What stage of death and dying describes this patient's current condition?



You and your partner arrive on the scene of a 400-pound patient lying in bed. He complains of nausea and vomiting for the past 3 days. When he tries to sit up, he gets very dizzy and has a syncopal episode. Realizing that he cannot assist you in getting on the stretcher, you decide to

Call for additional manpower to move the patient.


Which type of consent must be used by the EMT when seeking to treat a mentally competent adult?

Expressed consent


You respond to a large concert venue where a number of spectators are reported to be severely intoxicated. You are directed to an area where several patients appear to be unconscious, lying face down on the ground. The position of these patients is described as:



Which of the blood vessels allow the exchange of substances directly between the blood and the cells of the body and also the blood and alveoli?



Damage to the electrical system of the heart can cause it to beat too fast, a condition called:



A 26-month-old toddler is reported to have fallen and lacerated his chin. His mother did not witness the fall. As you proceed through your assessment, your partner reports that she's concerned about his heart rate, which she measures as 64. She's checked it twice. Your knowledge of normal vital signs for a patient this age suggests that his heart rate is:

too slow.


One's "cognitive ability" refers to his or her ability to do which of the following?

Think and solve problems


Who is responsible for on-scene safety of EMS providers?

All crew members


You are called to an assault on a homeless male. Dried blood from the trauma is visible around the patient's mouth and nose. During assessment, you note the patient has a productive cough. The patient says, "Don't worry, I'm not contagious. I've had this cough for a year." Describe the best approach regarding respiratory isolation.

Mask yourself and the patient.


The correct position of an EMT's feet when lifting?

Shoulder-width apart


Your patient is a 40-year-old known diabetic who was found unconscious at work by a coworker. What type of consent allows you to treat this patient?

Implied consent


An imaginary line dividing the body into equal right and left halves 

The midline of the body


Which layer of the skin is exposed to the environment?



Digestive disorders can seriously impact nutrient transfer and:

hydration levels.


Your 4-month-old patient is reported to be irritable and lethargic after feeding poorly for two days. One method for assessing the patient's level of hydration is to look at one of the soft spots on the surface of the skull. This soft spot is known as the:

anterior fontanelle.


What is the contraindication for the use of a scoop or orthopedic stretcher?

Spinal injury


In 1966 the National Highway Safety Act charged which of the following agencies with the development of emergency medical service standards?

U.S. Department of Transportation


What are some signs and symptoms that a coworker may be experiencing a delayed stress reaction (PTSD)?

Flashbacks, nightmares, and feelings of detachment


What is the preferred number of rescuers when using a stair chair?

Three: two lifting and one spotting


If the EMT is in doubt as to whether a patient in cardiac arrest should be resuscitated, which of the following is the best decision?

Begin resuscitative measures.


Fowler position?

Sitting upright with the legs straight


Which organ is the principal organ of the renal system?



The respiratory system moves air in and out; however, to ________ cells, the air that is inhaled must meet up with the circulatory system.



You are assessing a 12-year-old male patient who has been involved in a bicycle accident. This patient would be classified as being in which stage of life?

School age


Which of the following incidents might the EMT be legally required to report to law enforcement? 

- Your patient is a 12-year-old male who fell from his bicycle, breaking his left arm, and tells you his parents are at work.

- Your patient has facial and head injuries and states that her husband beat her with a telephone receiver.

Your patient has facial and head injuries and states that her husband beat her with a telephone receiver.

Many states require EMTs and other health care professionals to report suspected child, elder, or domestic abuse to law enforcement.


You and your EMT partner are assigned to spend a day at the senior center where you are to inspect the rooms and common areas for fall hazards. Your partner is upset that he is not in the ambulance where the "action is." He complains that "looking for loose rugs" is a waste of his time. What would be the best response to his complaints?

Injury prevention in the community is an important component of EMS.


the form of stress that can cause immediate and long-term problems with an EMT's health and well-being?



Urgent moves are required when:

life threats exist but there is time for precautions for spinal injuries.


You respond to a middle school for a 12-year-old male patient who has been hit by a car. You get consent to treat the patient from the school principal. What concept allows the principal to speak for the parents?

In loco parentis

Care may be given to a minor without direct consent from a parent or guardian if authorized by a child care provider or school authority who is acting in loco parentis (in place of the parent).


To check the distal pulse of a patient with an injury to the forearm, the EMT would check for a pulse in which location?



Which of the respiratory processes requires the active use of muscles?



In Type 1 diabetes, which gland does not secret enough of the hormone insulin?



Patients in which age group tend to be very concerned with body image?



Prefix that means rapid?



What is the minimum level of certification required of ambulance personnel responsible for direct patient care?

Emergency Medical Technician


Part of the nervous system is responsible for the fight-or-flight response experienced in response to a stressor?

Sympathetic nervous system


Stretchers that are designed to carry obese patients weighing up to 800 pounds (or more) are called:

bariatric stretchers.


You respond to a bus accident with multiple patients. As you arrive at the scene, you are approached by a local politician who states that his wife has been involved. He tells you that if you will take care of her first, he will ensure that you get the promotion you are up for. This becomes what type of decision for you as an EMT?



Why should an EMT avoid the use of acronyms and abbreviations when communicating?

There is a chance that they can lead to errors in continued care for the patient.


What causes the "seesaw" breathing pattern of young children?

They rely more on the diaphragm during breathing difficulty.


An infection of the brain is called:



In which age group do you anticipate seeing patients who have less efficient cardiovascular systems and a reduction of previous blood volume?

Late adulthood


What are the two most easily injured portions of the spine?

Cervical and Lumbar


The application of oxygen for a patient who is short of breath without having to contact the physician in the emergency department because of existing protocols is an example of

Standing orders


When the potential exists for exposure to exhaled air of a person with suspected or confirmed TB, a(n) ________ mask should be worn by the EMT.



You have responded to a nursing home and find an elderly patient in his bed in cardiac arrest. Which type of move would you perform to get the patient to a hard surface so you can perform chest compressions?

Emergency move


While documenting a call, you add a false statement that was made about a local doctor. This could constitute


Making a written statement that could injure another person's reputation is known as libel.


What is the primary reason for an EMT to use specific and proper medical terminology?

Medical communication needs to be exact and consistent.


This structure receives deoxygenated blood from the body via the venae cavae?

Right atrium


What is FiO2?

The concentration of oxygen in our inhaled air, which is referred to as the fraction of inspired oxygen.


As you assess the patient and place your finger in her hand, she grasps it tightly. This is known as the:

palmar reflex.


What is the correct order of air flow from the nose to the alveoli in the lungs?

Mouth/Nose, Oropharynx/nasopharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, alveoli


Who assumes the ultimate responsibility for patient care rendered by the EMT?

Medical Director


What mode of transmission most accurately describes the route of spreading hepatitis A?



You are moving an elderly patient down the stairs using a stair chair. The patient is alert and very anxious. What should you do prior to moving the patient to prevent her from grabbing the railing and causing you to fall?

Explain to the patient what you are doing and advise her to hold her hands together and not let go until you are finished moving her.


The EMT's primary responsibility at a secured crime scene?

Providing patient care


Your 79-year-old female patient appears to show all signs and symptoms of a stroke. Her level of consciousness has rapidly deteriorated, she is now unconscious, and she can no longer control her own airway. While you intervene to manage her airway, the best position in which to keep fluid or vomitus from occluding her airway would be the:

recovery position.


Which of the body systems primarily produces hormones?



Water that is found in the space between cells and blood vessels is called:  



What is a normal heart rate for a school age child?


Page Ref: 192


You are assessing a 6-month-old female patient who, according to the parents, is not acting normally. At this stage of development, the patient should be able to do which of the following?

A) Sit alone on the floor

B) Sit upright in a high chair

C) Sleep

D) Respond to the word "no"


Sit upright in a high chair
