This medication can be given orally or IV for pain at the advanced level.
Where‘s FF Lucas located on the ambulances
Under the curbside benches.
The person at Bristol Fire with the most amount of conscious and alert IO insertions
Nick Marsh
Allows you to treat an unconscious Patient.
Implied consent
What quadrant is the stomach in?
If a patient tells you they took the little blue pill you dont want to give them this…
This system includes the heart, blood and vessels.
The second person to kill the most people in 3 months. DAILY DOUBLE! WHO was the first!
2)Deputy Heath and Tim
Leaving the patient before turning them over to an equal or higher level of care.
Are made up on the spot clinical trials acceptable in the prehospital environment in NH.
Longest time known currently in BFD history for a patient to regain pulses after being declared dead.
7 minutes
A finding of failure to act properly in a situation in which there was a duty to act in and that harm was caused to the patient as a result.
Gross Negligence
How many bones in the adult body?
In a mother who is multi-Gravid, wait to administer this medication until all the babies have been delivered.
This type of gland secretes it hormone directly into the bloodstream.
Person who urinated out the curbside door while pulled over with a patient in the ambulance.
Chief Laroche
A minor may consent to medical care on their own for the following scenarios. Provide one example
Emancipated, married, a parent, sexual assault, drug or ETOH abuse over the age of 12, Rx of STDs
Largest organ of the body
Administer Zofran cautiously with patients showing these changes in a 12-lead.
Prolonged QT interval(increased risk of torsades)
Constant struggling against restraints can cause a patient to experience this life threatening event.
Rhabdomyolysis, hyperkalemia or Cardiac Arrest.
Person who traded their truck the day after a patient puked all over the backseat of it while extricating them from the woods. With puke still on the floor.
The largest bone in the foot