Rate of compressions for adults, children and infants
What is 100-120 beats per min?
1st step when AED arrives.
What is turning the machine on?
Gloves, Mask, Goggles, Eye protection
What is PPE?
Automated External Defibrillator
What is an AED?
Allow chest to return to normal after each compression.
What is good chest recoil?
Everyone clear, all clear.
What to do before pressing shock button?
an object to never remove.
What is a penetrating injury?
Proper body positioning for a seizing patient.
What is laying them on there side?
What you can do when approaching someone down to ensure you don't become a victim.
What is scene safety?
What you do after shock is delivered?
Belts, String, shoe lace
What are objects that can be used as a tournaquet?
Cold and Clammy
What's a possible diabetic issue?
Proper hand placement when performing CPR on an adult.
heel of your hands in the center of the chest, with other hand on top. Interlace your fingers and raise them up off the chest.
What is the purpose of an AED?
What is steps for using an epi pen?
Proper breath to compression ratio on an adult.
What is 30:2?
Proper hand placement when performing CPR on an infant. encircling hands technique or two fingers
encircling hands technique or two fingers
Pads that can be used on both Adult and Infants.
What are adult pads?
What is acronym for early stroke detection?
Machine that provides mechanical chest compressions.
What is a Lucas device?