This medication is administered to a patient experiencing chest pain and works by dilating blood vessels.
What is a Nitroglycerin (NITRO)
The first step an EMT should take when they find an unresponsive patient
What is check for responsiveness and call for back up
This type of shock occurs when the heart is unable to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs
What is Cardiogenic Shock
This condition is characterized by a sudden blockage of blood flow to the brain, often resulting in symptoms like facial drooping and difficulty speaking
What is a Stroke (CVA)
The normal pulse rate range for an adult patient, while at rest is between these two values
What is 60 and 100 beats per minute
EMT's can administer this medication to patients with low blood sugar levels
What is Oral Glucose
The recommended compression depth for an adult patient is how many inches
This type of shock is caused by a severe allergic reaction, often leading to widespread vasodilation and low blood pressure
What is Anaphylactic Shock
This respiratory condition involves the narrowing of airways and can cause symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness
What is Asthma
The normal respiratory rate range for an adult is between these two values
What is 12 and 20 breaths per minute
This medication is used by EMT's to treat severe allergic reactions and is often administered via auto-injector.
what is Epinephrine
This device is used to analyze the heart's rhythm and can deliver a shock if necessary
What is an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
This type of shock is a direct result from a significant loss of blood or fluids, leading to inadequate perfusion
What is Hypovolemic Shock
This condition occurs when the heart suddenly stops beating, requiring immediate CPR and defibrillation
What is Cardiac Arrest
The normal systolic blood pressure range for an adult patient is between these two values
90 and 140 mm Hg
This medication is used to reverse the effects of opioid overdose
What is Naloxone or Narcan
The ratio of chest compressions to rescue breaths in adult CPR is
What is 30:2
This type of shock is caused by an overwhelming infection that leads to systemic inflammation and vasodilation
What is Septic Shock
This condition involves severe allergic reaction that can cause swelling, difficulty breathing, and a drop in blood pressure
What is Anaphylaxis
The normal oxygen saturation level for a healthy adult is above this percentage
What is 95%
This medication is given to patients with difficulty breathing due to asthma or other respiratory emergency
what is a metered-dose inhaler (MDI)
This is the recommended rate of chest compressions per minute during CPR
What is 100-120 compressions per minute
This type of shock occurs when there is a blockage in the circulatory system, such as a pulmonary embolism or cardiac tamponade
What is Obstructive Shock
This condition is marked by high blood sugar levels and can lead to symptoms like excessive thirst, frequent urination, and confusion
What is Diabetic Hyperglycemia
The normal blood sugar level range for an adult patient is between these two values in milligrams per deciliter
What is 70 to 105 mg/dL