EMS Systems
Workforce Safety and Wellness
Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues
Communications and Documentation

Which of the following is an example of care that is provided using standing orders?

A. Medical control is contacted by the EMT after a patient with chest pain refuses EMS care.

B. The EMT defibrillates a patient in cardiac arrest, begins CPR, and then contacts medical control.

C. A physician gives the EMT an order via radio to administer oral glucose to a diabetic patient.

D. Following an overdose, the EMT contacts the medical director for permission to give activated charcoal.

Answer: B

Rationale: Standing orders—a form of off-line (indirect) medical control—involves performing certain life-saving interventions (ie, CPR, defibrillation, bleeding control) before contacting a physician for further instructions.


A disease that can be spread from person-to-person is known as:

A.an infectious disease.

B.a communicable disease.

C.a transmittable disease.

D.a spreadable disease.

Answer: B

Rationale: A communicable disease can be spread from one person or a species to another.


You arrive at the scene of an older woman complaining of chest pain. In assessing her, she holds her arm out for you to take her blood pressure. This is an example of:

A.implied consent.

B.informed consent.

C.expressed consent.

D.emergency consent.

Answer: C

Rationale: Expressed consent (also called actual consent) is when the patient authorizes you to provide treatment and transport, either verbally or nonverbally. For example, a patient who holds out his or her arm to allow you take a blood pressure is nonverbally giving you expressed consent.


When health care providers force their cultural values onto their patients because they believe their values are better, they are displaying:

A. ethnocentrism.

B. proxemics.

C. nonverbal communication.

D. cultural imposition.

Answer: D

Rationale: Forcing your own cultural values onto others because you believe your values are better is referred to as cultural imposition.





Quality control in an EMS system is the ultimate responsibility of the:

A. paramedic.

B. lead EMT.

C. medical director.

D. EMS administrator.

Answer: C

Rationale: The medical director is responsible for maintaining quality control, which ensures that all staff members who are involved in caring for patients meet the standard of care on every call.


The MOST effective way of preventing the spread of disease is:


B.keeping your immunizations up-to-date.

C.placing a HEPA respirator on the patient.

D.wearing goggles, gloves, a gown, and a mask.

Answer: A

Rationale: According to the CDC, the most effective way of preventing the spread of disease is thorough handwashing—especially in between patients. Up-to-date immunizations and PPE will minimize the risk of contracting a disease.


Which of the following is an example of abandonment?

A.An EMT leaves the scene after a competent adult has refused care.

B.An EMT transfers care of a patient to an emergency department nurse.

C.An AEMT transfers care of a patient to a paramedic.

D.An AEMT transfers care of a patient to an EMR.

Answer: D

Rationale: Abandonment occurs when patient care is terminated without the patient’s consent or when care is transferred to a provider of lesser training and level of certification.


When communicating with an older patient, you should:

A.approach the patient slowly and calmly.

B.step back to avoid making the patient uncomfortable.

C.raise your voice to ensure that the patient can hear you.

D.obtain the majority of your information from family members.

Answer: A

Rationale: Approach an older patient slowly and calmly, use him or her as your primary source of information whenever possible, and allow ample time for the patient to respond to your questions. Not all older patients are hearing impaired; if the patient is hearing impaired, you may need to elevate your voice slightly.



Altered mental status


Upon arriving at the scene of a domestic dispute, you hear yelling and the sound of breaking glass from inside the residence. You should:

A. immediately gain access to the patient.

B. carefully enter the house and then call the police.

C. retreat to a safe place until the police arrive.

D. tell the patient to exit the residence so you can provide care.

Answer: C

Rationale: Never enter a scene in which signs of violence are present, including yelling, screaming, or the sound of breaking glass. Law enforcement must secure the scene prior to the EMT’s entry.


While caring for a trauma patient, the EMT has blood splashed into her eyes. This is an example of:



C.indirect contact.


Answer: B

Rationale: Exposure occurs when a person comes in (direct or indirect) contact with blood or other bodily fluids. Blood splattered into the eyes is an example of direct contact. It is important to note that exposure does not always lead to infection. Proper use of PPE minimizes this risk.


The unauthorized confinement of a person is called:



C.false imprisonment.


Answer: C

Rationale: False imprisonment is defined as the confinement of a person without legal authority or the person’s consent.


While caring for a 5-year-old boy with respiratory distress, you should:

A.avoid direct eye contact with the child, as this may frighten him.

B.avoid letting the child hold any toys, as this may hinder your care.

C.avoid alerting the child prior to a patient procedure.

D.allow a parent or caregiver to hold the child if the situation allows.

Answer: D

Rationale: When caring for children, take special care to avoid upsetting them. Allowing a parent to hold the child or allowing the child to play with a favorite toy often helps to keep the child calm. Never lie to a child, or any other patient for that matter; children can see through lies and deceptions. Assure the child that you can be trusted and are there to help by maintaining eye contact.



Pulse Motor Sensory 


Which of the following is NOT a component of continuous quality improvement (CQI)?

A. Periodic review of run reports

B. Discussion of needs for improvement

C. Negative feedback given to those who make mistakes while on a call

D. Remedial training as deemed necessary by the medical director

Answer: C

Rationale: The purpose of CQI is to ensure that the standard of care is provided on all calls. This involves periodic run report reviews, discussing needs for improvement, and providing remedial training as deemed necessary by the medical director. Positive feedback should be provided during this process.


Protective measures that prevent health care workers from coming into contact with germs are referred to as:


B.standard precautions.



Answer: B

Rationale: Standard precautions prevent health care workers from coming into contact with germs.


Failure of the EMT to provide the same care as another EMT with the same training is called:





Answer: C

Rationale: An EMT could be held liable for negligence if he or she fails to provide the same care as another EMT with the same training would provide in the same situation. For example, if an EMT fails to give oxygen to a patient with shortness of breath (an intervention that is clearly indicated), he or she may be held liable for negligence.


Which of the following pieces of patient information is of LEAST pertinence when giving a verbal report to a nurse or physician at the hospital?

A.The patient’s name and age

B.The patient’s family medical history

C.Vital signs that may have changed

D.Medications that the patient is taking

Answer: B

Rationale: Information given to the receiving nurse or physician should include the patient’s name and age, vital signs (especially if they have changed), a summary of the past medical history, and the patient’s response to any treatment that you rendered. Family medical history is not essential in the emergency treatment of a patient.



Blood Glucose Level


All of the following are responsibilities of the EMS medical director, EXCEPT:

A. evaluating patient insurance information.

B. serving as a liaison to the medical community.

C. ensuring that the appropriate standards are met by EMTs.

D. ensuring appropriate EMT education and continuing training.

Answer: A

Rationale: Responsibilities of the medical director include serving as a liaison to the medical community, ensuring that appropriate standards are met by EMS personnel, and ensuring appropriate EMT education and continuing training. Insurance matters are handled by the EMS billing department.


What is the second stage of response in the stress response known as the general adaptation syndrome?




D.Reaction and resistance

Answer: D

Rationale: The body typically reacts to stress in three stages: the alarm response, which is followed by reaction and resistance, and then recovery. If the individual cannot reduce stress, the last stage may progress to exhaustion.


An 8-year-old boy was struck by a car, is unconscious, and is bleeding from the mouth. A police officer tells you that he is unable to contact the child’s parents. You should:

A.continue to treat the child and transport as soon as possible.

B.cease all treatment until the child’s parents can be contacted.

C.continue with treatment only if authorized by medical control.

D.provide airway management only until the parents are contacted.

Answer: A

Rationale: The child in this scenario is critically injured and requires immediate treatment and transport; waiting until his parents are contacted wastes time and increases his chance of a negative outcome. If you are unable to contact a minor’s parents or legal guardian, you should proceed with care based on the law of implied consent.


Which of the following statements about the patient care report (PCR) is true?

A.It is not a legal document in the eyes of the law.

B.It cannot be used for patient billing information.

C.It helps ensure efficient continuity of patient care.

D.It is intended for use only by the prehospital care provider.

Answer: C

Rationale: The PCR is an important document for more than one reason. It helps to ensure efficient continuity of patient care by providing the hospital with an account of all prehospital assessments and treatment. It also serves as a legal document that reflects the care provided by the EMT.











