Appendix location in the abdomen
Lower right quadrant
Stoke scale used in the Kansas City Area?
Cincinnati stroke scale
Past medical history
Your patient is dizzy and feels faint, but is alert. Very sweaty on a hot day. Weak radial pulses.
Heat Exhaustion
Dose and contraindications of Oral Glucose
31 grams (usually)
Unable to maintain airway
Liver location
Upper right quadrant
Acronym used for identifying causes of altered mental status
History of present illness
First treatment for heat related emergencies
Move to a cooler environment. Shade, unit, indoors.
Glucometer does not work. Pt noted to be awake with a patent airway, but mildly confused. Pt noted to be sweaty, with a bounding radial pulse. Treatment?
Give oral glucose
Speen locale
Upper right quadrant
Difference between tonic and clonic in a seizure?
Tonic - Stiffening
Clonic - Spasm, shaking
N/V, diarrhea, fast pulse, Lowish BP, Respirations normal
Hypovolemic, compensating
How long to check a pulse in a hypothermic patient?
At least 30 seconds
Some say 30-45 seconds
Dose and contraindications of Glucagon
1 MG
Gall bladder locale
Upper right
Positive cincinnati stroke scale but the symptoms went away after a few hours?
Transient ischemic attack
Cleaning up an old wood pile, pt felt a sharp pain on his hand. Pt now feels pain all over and is short of breath. What type of bite do you suspect?
Black widow bite. Neurotoxin
Pt found sitting outside resting after shoveling snow the for the last two hours. Pt insist he is fine and want to finish. Trust his judgment?
No, initial signs of hypothermia is poor judgment.
Confused, bG meter reads HI. Rapid deep respirations, looks dehydrated. Breath smells like he has been drinking.
Duodenum location
Epigastric (why? It separates an upper GI bleed from a lower GI bleed)
What type of stroke might present with Cheyne- stokes respirations, high blood pressure, and low pulse?
Complaint of dizziness and SOA after working in an enclosed storage area. What do you suspect
Exposure to a toxic substance
Pt went into v-fib after you dropped the carriage of the cot while unloading on a cold cold day. Why
Heart is very sensitive to shocks and can fibrillate very easily when hypothermic.
NIDDM, bG 800, confused, no fruity odor, skin tenting, tachycardia, positive orthostatic VS.
Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome