Wheezing, swollen airway, hives, and tachycardia.
The amount of aspirin to give to an adult patient having chest pain.
324 mg (4 of the 81 mg tablets)
An allergy to soybean or peanuts used to be a contraindication for this drug but now it has no contraindications besides an allergy to the drug itself.
Atrovent (ipratropium bromide)
Route for albuterol.
The amount of albuterol to give a wheezy difficulty breathing patient who has an albuterol inhaler they have already used.
The normal 2.5 mg dose but for repeat doses may need to call med control
Not alert, pinpoint pupils, slow breathing, and cold/clammy skin.
The amount of epinephrine to give a pediatric patient going into anaphylactic shock.
0.15 mg
This medication should not be given to a patient with low blood sugar who is unable to follow commands.
Oral glucose
Route for Narcan.
The amount of nitroglycerin to give a chest pain patient who is not prescribed it and has not had ED meds within the past 24 hours.
Altered mental status, low blood sugar, and is able to follow commands.
Oral Glucose
The amount of glucagon to give to an adult patient with low blood sugar that is unable to follow commands.
1 mg
This medication should not be given when the patient is unable to follow commands, the patient has an allergy to the medication, if the patient is pregnant, or has NSAID-induced asthma.
Route for Tylenol/acetaminophen.
Ingestion/per oral
The amount of aspirin to give a chest pain patient who has a history of bleeding disorders.
None or call med control for permission
Trouble breathing, wheezing, and low SPO2.
DuoNeb and/or albuterol
The amount of nitroglycerin to give a patient who is prescribed the medication and is experiencing chest pain.
0.4 mg
This medication should not be given when the patient's systolic BP is lower than 100 mm/Hg, if they have taken an ED medication within the last 24 hours or if they are septic.
Route for Nitroglycerin.
The amount of Narcan to give a patient with an advanced airway in place that still has a pulse.
Difficulty breathing, low SPO2, shock, and shortness of breath.
The amount of aspirin needed for a pediatric patient having chest pain.
None. (Reye's Syndrome-brain damage and liver problems)
There are no contraindications for this medication.
Route for aspirin.
The amount of epinephrine to give a patient having an allergic reaction that has already given themselves an auto-injector.
Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Call med control