What is ample hx?
allergies, medication, past medical HX, last oral intake, and events leading to the illness.
What does PPE stand for?
Personal protective equipment
How would you tell if you have good ventilation?
Watch the chest rise and fall.
Tell me the steps for O2 with NRB
PPE, Gather appropriate equipment, crack the valve, check o2 pressure, check for leaks, attach the NRB to the regulator, turn on o2, the flow rate is 10 lpm, fill reservoir bag attach NRB snuggly on patient.
What are the steps in BLeeding and shock?
PPE, apply direct pressure, apply touriquet, lay pt supine, place o2 on patient and cover with a blanket, immediate transport
What do you check when you are assessing circulation?
Pulse, Major bleeding, skin color
Name off OPQRST
Onset, provoke, quality,rotate, severity, timing
When do you do your field impression?
After the vital signs.
What is the proper rate of breathing in one minute and how many breaths per second?
5 to 6
What step do you do after you suction the airway and it is clear?
Put in a OPA
When is the time to decide to do an immediate transport?
In the primary assessment after circulation.
When do you do the history/vital signs in the trauma assessment?
After the transport decision.
In the medical assessment, when do you do the intervention?
In the vital signs section after the field impression.
What are the steps to suction apneic patient? How long can you suction a patient?
Prepare rigid suction catheter
Turn it on to over 300, suction on the way out in a circular motion. Suction for only 15 seconds
What is the scene Size-up in Medical Assessment? Say it all.
PPE, Scene safety, NOI, Number of patients, request ALS, and C-spine.
Head, neck, chest, abd, pelvis, legs, arms and back.
Say the Reassessment?
Reassess my primary assessment. My LOC, ABC's, vital signs, interventions, changes, sable 5 unstable 15.
What do you do after it tells you that the patient is being ventilated with success?
Re-check the pulse no more than 10 seconds
List all the steps in secondary assessment. Say it all.
what does the heart sound like, what do the lungs sound like, if the eyes are pearl, what color is the skin, palpate the abdomen.
What are the 5 systems that you will check during the medical assessment?
what if the cardiovascular, pulmonary, neurological, Integumentary and GI/GU systems.
What do you do if your patient is unresponsive, apneic and has a weak pulse?
What is opening the airway?
What does field impression mean?
What is what we think is wrong with the patient?
When do you treat secondary injuries?
After the head-to-toe assessment.
What is the main thing we are looking for when we do our Primary Assessment?
What is looking for life threats?