Easiest and first method to control external bleeding is to
Apply immediate direct pressure with gloved hand
Lower Airway Obstruction
Most rapid route of medication absorption
IV ( intravenous)
100 Bonus points * Slowest Route
After receiving "no shock advised" on the AED you should
Immediately resume CPR for full 2 minutes and reassess
3 Complications Diabetics may face:
Reduced sensation
foot problems
stroke, CAD
Give an example of Subjective in the SOAP mnemonic
pt complains of nausea , headache , chest pain etc.
100 Bonus points for giving Objective findings
High pitched breathing sound
Example of a Pre-Set amount of a drug administered method
Epi Pen
MDI ( metered dose inhaler)
Cool, clammy skin, disoriented , tachycardia
*100 Bonus points for normal BGL range:
Dosage for Aspirin and Route
Oral and 324 mg ( 4X 81mg)
Shallow, Irregular, Apneic , reduced tidal volume
Inadequate Breathing
*100 bonus points: Treat with high flow oxygen NRB or BVM?
First Structure in the lower airway?
After determining a patients AVPU, you then check for
seizure that last more than 5 minutes or multiple seizures w/o regaining consciousness
Status Epilepticus
Initial adult/child dosage for Epinephrine
0.3mg Adult
0.15mg Child
1:1000 concentration
Common side effects: Tachycardia/anxiety/headache/dizziness
Anxiety, Restlessness and tachycardia are
Early signs of hypoxia
100 Bonus points for Late Sign of Hypoxia?
Not Breathing and mouth full of blood. What do you do first?
Suction and alternate ventilating patient if not cleared
Bonus 100 points* Describe method of suctioning and max suction time for Adults:
Infant :
Where do you assess for pulse in an infant?
Brachial Pulse
All patients with Altered Mental Status need to have this done:
*100 bonus points as to why?
Opening airway for pts w suspected spinal trauma
Modified jaw thrust
patients who appears hypoxic but is breathing adequately should get what oxygen applied?
Non Rebreather Mask - High Flow Oxygen
Preferred method of providing ventilations a single rescuer EMT
Mouth to Mask with one way valve
Urticaria, Wheezing and Low BP is what type of shock?
Anaphylactic Shock
Bonus *100 Points treatment :
Warm dry skin, acetone breath, rapid pulse
BP below 120 Systolic is a contraindication to