First Trimester Life threatening Emergency
Ectopic Pregnancy
Bonus 100 points* Patients presenting with _______
and complication is this ____________
Difficulty breathing and Drooling
Easiest method to re-assess patients for deterioration
Level of Consciousness
Unable to speak
100 bonus points * What is difficulty speaking?
These patients get a full 60 second Pulse Check
Hypothermic patients
Pregnant patients should be transported in this position
Lateral recumbent ( aka on side)
Add high flow oxygen as well
Pair of Organs located in the retroperitoneal space
Direct pressure fails to stop bleeding- you should apply this
Patients with a head injury do not get this intervention
Nasal Airway (NPA)
also- Nitroglycerin is contraindicated in pts with head injury
Boys heat eliminating mechanism is overwhelmed
Heat Stroke
*100 Bonus points- what does skin look like
Characterized by high blood pressure , fluid retention and protein in urine
100 bonus point**
Pregnant + High Blood Pressure+Seizures=?
Early signs of internal abdominal bleeding
Pain and tender/rigid abdomen
Late Sign for 100 points**
Control bleeding above and below the laceration site if it is located here
Neck Laceration
100 bonus points ** what is the treatment here?
SOB, JVD, HTN and Edema seen in these type of patients
**100 Bonus points for 2 additional signs/symptoms:
Which artery may be bleeding out into pelvic cavity after traumatic injury?
Iliac Arteries
*100 Bonus points : Treatment for suspected Pelvic fracture
Premature separation of placenta from Uterus
Bonus 100 points* What would patient present with?
Treatment for suspected fractured clavicle
Immobilize w Sling and swathe
These patients often require extra time spent with them
Psychiatric or Behavioral Patients
Bonus 100 points* Name the type of listening technique where you repeat back to the patient what they said
Swelling/Bruising or Discoloration around puncture site on skin is indicative of what
Snake Bite
Removing wet clothing and moving patient to warmer environment is
Passive rewarming technique
Elevate hips and relieve pressure from baby's head onto cord. High flow O2 and Rapid transport
Prolapsed Cord Treatment
190/110 BP HR 50 RR 28.
Cushing Triad Vitals
Widened Pulse Pressure/Bradycardia
Disorder of glucose metabolism
Bonus 100 points* How does Insulin Function in the body
Use a plastic credit card to do this
Scrape stinger embedded in skin
How to feel for patients Core body Temperature
Use back of ungloved hand on abdomen