A small injury consistent with a scraped knee involving mild and easy to control bleeding
The primary cause of Esophageal Varices
Portal Hypertension
A legal document describing the patients wishes for treatment when they cannot speak for themselves
Advanced Directive
Connected to the intestines by the bile ducts
2-6 Lpm
A chest injury Characterized by Paradoxical Movement in the chest
Flail Chest
The type of consent used to provide care to unconscious patients
Sharp, localized pain
Somatic pain
Part of the BVM that could be missing and still allow for ventilations to be performed
O2 reservoir (bag or tubing)
The typical blood pressure presentation of Intracranial Hemorrhage
Three components of the pediatric assessment triangle
Work of Breathing
Van style ambulance
Type 2
Urine is transported to the urinary bladder from the kidneys via the
Airway sound heard with tongue blocking the airway
The type of shock consistent with a Tension Pneumothorax
Obstructive or Mechanical
Most significant rick factor for hemorrhagic stroke
An event in which the number of patients exceeds the resources immediately available
Mass Casualty Incident (MCI)
A condition in which there is too much potassium
Primary Stimulus to breathe
Carbon dioxide in the blood
A brain injury that occurs on the opposite side of the original injury
Contra-coup injury
The effect on the body when giving Epinephrine for Anaphylaxis
Alpha Effects or Sympathomimetic effect
The person in an MCI who is in charge of communicating with Hospitals to determine their capabilities
Transportation Officer
Point of the elbow, tip of the ulna
Olecranon or Olecranon Process
Bronchial swelling, secretions, and bronchospasms are indicative of this disease