According to Dan Smith, "....." (qtd. in Gostin and Gostin).
Bonus (10 points): Give 3 examples of regional language.
Regional examples: pop, loo, wicked, water fountain
Used to signal a break in a direct quote, information that was taken out.
EXTRA 5 POINTS! What does CARA stand for and what do they do?
Classification and Ratings Administration is made up of parents who determine the family-friendly ratings.
The following phrase is an example of what logical fallacy?
"That parking attendant who gave me a ticket, is as bad as Hitler."Sandra Sanson
"Clouds of Poetry"
Paris Review
Spring 2011
Volume 5, issue 2
Popculture Universe
pages 21-30
vol. 5, no. 2, Spring 2011, pp. 21-30. Popculture Universe.
Bonus (extra 5): What is the difference between scholarly/peer reviewed sources and other sources?
Scholarly/peer reviewed research has been passed through a panel of academic peers/experts before publication.`