What is Encouraged ?
To give hope or support to someone.
To give someone confident.
What other word can you use for encourage
Stir up
What is our topic for this month?
Memory verse for this month is........
1Thessalonians 5 :11
Please can you say the memory verse
NIV- Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
KJV-wherefore comfort yourselves together and edify one another, even as also ye do. ( 1 THESSALONIANS 5:12).
What was the the main text we did use for encouraged?
Romans 15 verse 1 to 6
How do we encourage?
Studying Gods word.
What are the benefit of Encouraged?
Changes your perspective
Ways you can encourage others
Listening to them
Acknowledge why they feel that way
Positive feed back
What was our topic last month?
The Test
What is the memory verse for the topic 'The Test'
Philipians 4 verse 13
Please can you say the memory verse for Philipians 4 verse 13
KJV-I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me
Name some that was tested in the Bible?
What was our topic in the month of January?
Wages and gift
What was the memory verse?
Romans 6:23
Please can you say the memory verse?
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of Hod is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
What did God say about each thing he has made
What did God say to man the he has made him?
Very good- Perfect
What two trees were in the middle of the garden
The tree of life
The tree of knowledge
What did God make on day 2?
The sky
What is so special about the way we are created?
We are God's image,
Made out of the dust of the earth
God breath in us
God put us in charge of the world.
What is Sin?
Sin is any disobedience or transgressions against Gods law.
What lessons have you learnt from the topic. 'wages and gift, The Test and Encourage'.
What is the gift God gave to us
His only begotten son Jesus christ
Plcan you say John 3 verse 16
Open from the bible