He drafted England’s first constitution where he called for the supreme legislative authority of England, Scotland and Ireland to belong to the “Lord Protector of the Commonwealth,” this would be himself.
Who was Oliver Cromwell?
An almost bloodless revolution that overthrew the catholic King James II of England and replaced him with two protestant Royals, his daughter Mary Stuart and his Dutch son-in-law William of Orange.
What was the Glorius Revolution?
To limit unwanted influence, Ieyasu’s grandson Tokugawa Iemitsu announced this defining law of the Tokugawa years in which he declared Japan off limits to all Westerners. Japan would be sealed off against all outside influences for 219 years, from 1635 –1854.
What was the Edict of Sakoku?
This took place on May 8, 1860, Parliament invited Charles II to come and reclaim England’s throne. They declared he was king and that the system of King, Lords and Commons was the only lawful form of government in England.
What was the Restoration of the Monarchy?
Governor William Phipps established this to hear trials accusing witches in and around Salem Village, Massachusetts. Over the four months from June - September 1692 dozens of accused witches were convicted and 19 were hanged.
What is the Court of Oyer and Terminer?
The group of English noblemen who invited William and Mary to come and overthrow King James II
Who were the Immortal Seven?
A 17‐year‐long struggle for control of China in which many warlords battled to replace the Mongol‐race Yuan dynasty with a Han‐race dynasty. The Ming Dynasty replaced the Yuan Dynasty.
What was the Red Turban Rebellion?
A law issued by Toyotomi Hideyoshi that ordered Christian missionaries out of Japan, on pain of death.
What was the Edict of Expulsion?
Zhu Yuanzhang’s secret police force tasked with trying to uncover possible enemies of the state by intensely searching everywhere for any sign of rebellion.
What was the jinyiwei?
One of the fantastic creations that sprang from the Golden Age, it was an incredibly elaborate mosque built by Shah Jahan as a mausoleum for his beloved wife Mumtaz.
What was the Taj Mahal?
She was the daughter of a Puritan minister who knew more about the Bible than most women of her day. She was banished from Massachusetts for instructing men in matters of faith, publicly denouncing ministers and declaring that the voice of God’s Holy Spirit spoke to her own spirit.
Who was Anne Hutchinson?
This was a desperate attempt by the Algonquians to drive the English out of Virginia. It started with a surprise attack by the natives that killed about 500 colonists. However, once their 100 year old chief was murdered, the Confederacy dissolved and the English won.
What was the Third Anglo-Powhatan War?
The theory that monarchs receive their authority not from their subjects, but directly from God. Furthermore, God Himself sets His chosen monarchs on their thrones, and no one but God has the right to remove them.
What is the Divine Right of Kings?
This was an act of Parliament which guaranteed that no English Monarch could ever again abuse his power the way King James II and other Stuart kings did.
What was the 1689 English Bill of Rights?
The great accomplishments during this era included (1) the building of the Imperial City; (2) the restoration of the Grand Canal; and (3) the transformation of the Great Wall of China from an incomplete collection of broken‐down earthen walls into a mighty, continuous barrier of brick and stone.
What was the Ming Dynasty?
Four years before the trouble in Salem Village began, he alarmed New England with “Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcrafts and Possessions,” an account of his personal experiences ministering to victims of witchcraft. He also claimed to have personally witnessed unnatural fits which, in his opinion, could have no other explanation but demon possession and/or witchcraft. In “The Devil in New England,” a short essay published in 1692, he explained why New England was suffering so much trouble with demons and witchcraft: because the devil was angry with New Englanders for establishing the Kingdom of God in a land where evil had so recently enjoyed free rein.
Who was Cotton Mather?
Metacomet and his allies attacked the English launching surprise attacks against defenseless farms and villages; burning hundreds of men, women and children to death inside their homes; completely wiping out twelve villages and countless farms.
What was King Philip’s War?
An 11 year period that started when he dissolved Parliament during which the king called no Parliaments at all, but instead governed on his personal authority alone.
What was The Personal Rule of King Charles?
It declared it would govern England in the absence of kings and lords as a republican commonwealth. They would be governed only by the Representatives of the Peoples in Parliament. This lasted from 1649-1653.
What was the Rump Parliament?
This was a dark time when Scotland pursued thousands of Covenanters to their death. In total about 18,000 Covenanter martyrs may have died for their faith over the 28 years from 1660-1688.
What was The Killing Time?
He believed that education alone was not enough to make a person a true minister of Christ. It was an anointing of the Holy Spirit. While in jail, he wrote many letters warning his accusers that they were wrong to jail him and would definitely suffer for opposing God’s will. He once warned a justice that he should “tremble at the word of the Lord.“ The judge looked at the statement with disdain and he mockingly nicknamed he and his followers “Quakers.”
Who was George Fox?
This was driven by two main concerns:
Ex-indentured servants saw the natives as wicked, untrustworthy savages who were taking up land that honest Englishmen needed.
People felt that wealthy Royalists like governor Berkeley cared more about money than the safety of poor Virginians who settled the frontier.
What was Bacon’s Rebellion?
It required the Covenanters to renounce the National Covenant, a statement of faith that they had all sworn to uphold during the English Civil War. It also required them to swear loyalty to King Charles II— a faithless king who had also sworn to uphold the National Covenant, only to break his word after the war.
What was The Oath of Abjuration?
The explanation of the Glorious Revolution that William and Mary offered in this document was that William was coming not to conquer, but to (1) rescue England from corrupt Catholic army officers and government officials; (2) preserve the Protestant faith; and (3) restore the power of Parliament.
What was the Declaration of Hague?
William Penn's vision for a place with
Freedom of religion
Fair treatment for natives. William was determined to pay the natives for their land, not fight them for it.
What was the Holy Experiment?