Puritans & Quakers
Settlers & Colonies
More War & Results of War

Oliver Cromwell

Who was King Charles I's main opponent in the English Civil War (Puritan military commander)?


A city on a hill.

How did John Winthrop see the Massachusetts Bay Colony?


Freedom of religion and fair treatment for Pennsylvania’s natives.

What were Penn's priorities for Pennsylvania?


The independent-heavy tail end of the old Long Parliament, people who were eager to punish the King for his crimes against England.

What is the Rump Parliament?


Humans are so utterly sinful that they are incapable of choosing to accept the salvation God offers. All who have saving faith receive it from God as a free gift.

What is Total Depravity?


An almost bloodless revolution that overthrew the catholic King James II of England and replaced him with two protestant Royals, his daughter Mary Stuart and his Dutch son-in-law William of Orange.

What was the Glorious Revolution?


International signs, religious signs, economic signs and the dissolution of Parliament.

What are the signs Puritans saw that God was going to ravage England?


The daughter of a Puritan minister who knew more about the Bible than most women of her day. She was banished from Massachusetts for instructing men in matters of faith, publicly denouncing ministers and declaring that the voice of God’s Holy Spirit spoke to her own spirit.

Who is Anne Hutchinson?


When Catholic France, being led by Cardinal Richelieu, openly joined forces with Protestant Sweden.

When did the The Thirty Years War become mainly political and no longer religious?


An 11 year period during which the king called no Parliaments at all, but instead governed on his personal authority alone.

What is the Personal Rule of King Charles I?


Their promotions were based on merit, not family connections. Therefore, their members were more skilled, more loyal and more devoted to the cause.

What is the New Model Army?


The belief that Jesus Christ is a living spirit whose main way of speaking to His people is not through the Bible but to their spirits.

What is Spiritualism?


The first place in the colonies where church and state were completely separate.

What is Providence, Rhode Island?


When Parliament invited Charles II to come and reclaim England’s throne. They declared he was king and that the system of King, Lords and Commons was the only lawful form of government in England.

What was the Restoration of the Monarchy?


This document settled the balance of power between Parliament and monarch forever. Never again would a tyrannical monarch trample on Parliament’s rights, nor ignore the will of the English people.

What is the English Bill of Rights?


A desperate attempt by the Algonquians to drive the English out of Virginia. It started with a surprise attack by the natives that killed about 500 colonists. However, once their 100 year old chief was murdered, the Powhatan Confederacy dissolved and the English won.

What was the Third Anglo-Powhatan War?


Christ followers should live free from sin with the same upright honesty, heartfelt love and self-sacrifice Christ displayed.

What is the Quaker practice of morality?


Called the "mother of a monster" by John Winthrop, she became one of 4 Quakers executed for their faith known as the Boston Martyrs. 

Who is Mary Dyer?


1) To rescue England from corrupt Catholic army officers and government officials,  (2) to preserve the Protestant faith and (3) to restore Parliament’s power.

What were the reasons William of Orange was coming to England (according to the letters he sent to nobles months ahead)?


It may be possible for those who once chose faith to change their minds, turn away from God and lose their salvation.

What is Falling from Grace?


It marked the final end of the Protestant Reformation because it destroyed all hope the Protestants and Catholics would ever reunite.

What was one of the results of the 30 Years War?


Penn would forgive a rather large debt of 16,000 English pounds (the equivalent of several million modern-day dollars) which the crown still owed his late father’s estate. 

What was one of the offers Penn made to King Charles II if he would grant him a Quaker friendly colony in the New World?


When most Puritans viewed all Native Americans as savages, he respected Native Americans as equals. In 1643, he published the very first English textbook on Native American languages. 

Who is Roger Williams?


It began on June 20, 1675 in response to native murders. The natives attacked an English settlement at Swansea. Ultimately, the natives were defeated, the Wampanoag and Narragansett peoples were destroyed and the way was cleared for more settlers.

What was King Philip’s War?


Zhu Yuanzhang’s secret police force tasked with trying to uncover possible enemies of the state by intensely searching everywhere for any sign of rebellion.

What was the jinyiwei?
