Anglo-Saxon Values
Features of Epic
Beowulf Himself
Thinking about images

Name all 5 Anglo-Saxon Values

1. Strength

2. Bravery

3. Loyalty

4. Material Wealth

5. Fame


Describe: What is the origin of the hero?

- High status

- Already established 

How would you describe Beowulf to a friend? Say something other than "hero".

- Geat

- Fights Grendel and Grendel's Mother

- Eventually becomes King of Danes

- From Denmark


Son of _____________



What the difference between a fact and an inference?

The key difference between a fact and an inference lies in how they are derived and the level of certainty they hold. An inference is made through the observation of facts and culmination of opinions. A fact in concrete and for certain. 


Material Wealth and Fame are similar yet different Anglo-Saxon values. Explain the similarities and differences. 

- Fame: It was considered virtuous to brag. Being held "famous" by a society meant that people would not forget about you. Fame was often gleaned from performing heroic acts. 

- Material Wealth: It was considered virtuous to have a lot of "bling", or, treasures. Having material goods would sustain your fame even after you died. Everyone would remember you by the lavish goods you were buried with or that were displayed in your honor.


Describe: Setting

- Vast physical space (lots of land)

- Vast amount of time (many years)

How does Hrothgar come to know Beowulf?

 Beowulf had gained a widespread reputation after slaying many supernatural beasts. He comes to Herot Hall having heard of the problems going on with Grendel.  


Why did Grendel seek vengeance? 

He was outcast by the community for killing Abel (brother). He heard loud parties coming from Herot Hall.

How does using specific words to describe an image help convey the image? (What types of things might it help bring out?)
Specific word choice specifies the mood, style, and artist interpretation occurring in the image. 

Why was it important for Anglo-Saxons to be loyal?

Loyalty was important because it was a matter of protection and security against the ongoing invasions, such as those by the Romans. Times were brutal and life was short. Loyalty promised sustainability. 

Describe: Tone (and Form)

- No particular form (free verse)

- Formal tone. Lofty style. 


Beowulf takes place in what is now present day (what countries?)

Denmark and Sweden


Describe how Grendel meets one of the requirements for "Features of an Epic" 

He is a supernatural beast and requires Beowulf to perform heroic acts of courage. 


The "If we must die" activity that we did in class, involving putting together pieces of poems highlighted what concept:

a. Inferencing what lines mean helps us identify how they related to one another.

b. Poem's titles are the most important part of a poem.

c. Never trust a single image alone. Words are the only you can glean meaning from any art form. 



Strength and Bravery may be the easiest values to describe. Describe how these values were upheld in Anglo-Saxon time and how there is nuance to them in today's society. 

Strength and Bravery were values during Anglo-Saxon time because physical fighting was the predominant form of protecting one's self and one's community. Today, humility is also valued. Pacifism (believing fighting in unjust) is a topic of debate and many widely-sung heroes do not display strength and bravery in the physical sense, but in the mental and emotional.


Describe: Deeds of a hero

Deeds require the utmost strength and courage. Deeds require physical action (battle).


What was special about the sword that presented itself to Beowulf during the battle with Grendel's mother?

Forged by giants (Pagan) and unscripted with Christian story.  


Why would it be important for us, as students, to consider why Grendel is angry in the first place?

Understanding antagonists/ monsters motives helps us build empathy for people who are ostracized (excluded or misunderstood) from society. 


Images convey words as: 

Words convey


Why is it important to study Anglo-Saxon Values? 
Understanding historic societal frameworks for celebrating leaders helps inform us how our current society selects and elects leaders. The Anglo-Saxons also laid the groundwork for modern day English. Seeing the way they described their heroes and virtues helps us see our own values through comparison. 

Describe: Supernatural Element

Friends and foes have the ability to be mythical beasts, monsters, and non-human
Name two factors that made Wiglaf the perfect candidate for the throne

- Beowulf had no heirs

- Wiglaf stepped up and fought alongside Beowulf to defeat the Fire Dragon when no one else did. 


Is there a book from the perspective of Grendel? If so, what might be a benefit from reading it? 

Yes. We would be able to examine impact of isolation and alienation. Grendel's isolation and lack of acceptance from humans contribute to his descent into violence. This allows us to consider the potential consequences of social exclusion and the importance of fostering inclusivity and understanding.


How do kennings enhance our knowledge about text's historical context?

Kennings let us know how people regarded others and experiences around them. They can also give us information about what people were familiar with and what they weren't. 
