This is the result of 8 + 7.
What is 15?
This is the planet we live on.
What is Earth?
He was the first president of the United States.
Who is George Washington?
This animal is known as "man's best friend."
What is a dog?
This girl wore a red hood and met a big bad wolf.
Who is Little Red Riding Hood?
A shape with three sides is called this.
What is a triangle?
The process by which plants make their own food is called this.
What is photosynthesis?
This holiday celebrates America's independence from Britain.
What is the Fourth of July?
This black and white bear eats mostly bamboo.
What is a panda?
This famous wooden puppet wanted to become a real boy.
Who is Pinocchio?
If you have 4 quarters, this is how much money you have.
What is one dollar?
This is the gas that humans breathe in to stay alive.
What is oxygen?
The document that starts with "We the People" is called this.
What is the Constitution?
A baby frog is called this.
What is a tadpole?
In "Jack and the Beanstalk," Jack climbed this to reach the giant’s castle.
What is a beanstalk?
The perimeter of a square with 5-inch sides is this.
What is 20 inches?
The three states of matter are these.
What are solid, gas, and liquid?
This famous explorer is credited with discovering America in 1492.
Who is Christopher Columbus?
This animal is the fastest land animal.
What is a cheetah?
This author wrote "Green Eggs and Ham."
Who is Dr. Seuss?
This is the term for a number that is being multiplied by another number.
What is a factor?
This is the largest organ in the human body.
What is the skin?
The Liberty Bell is located in this U.S. state.
What is Pennsylvania?
This type of bird is known for being able to turn its head almost all the way around.
What is an owl?
In "Cinderella," she lost this at the royal ball.
What is a glass slipper?