All my verb forms look the same, apart from 3rd person.
present simple
I am free time that rhymes on 'treasure'.
The German word is: militärischer Vorgesetzter.
This is the noun of the verb 'to recommend'.
'Sport machen' in English.
to do sports
I am a preposition used to tell the exact time or talk about a public holiday.
Noun and verb - both see me in the gym.
work out / exercise
schlimm - schlimmer - am schlimmsten
bad - worse - worst
I am more than one kid, but not the same as kids.
This is the comparative form of 'little' which doesn't mean "klein".
If I don't pass my exams, I'll cry. Who am I?
If-clause type I
In me, people are looking for the best among a group of many others.
competition / contest / tournament
"Ich zahle jeden Monat 500 Euro an meine Vermieterin."
I pay 500 euros to my landlady every month.
I work with sergeants and hotels.
This is done with blood & money.
to donate
A question in the simple past needs this as a little helper.
This is the noun for the state of people not in shape, working on their way to bodily illness.
"Hast du weitere Informationen für mich?"
Do you have further information for me?
It's the acronym for your job, combining two adjectives and one noun.
Military Occupation Specialty = MOS
This adjective means that telling the truth is not in your genes.
The event that this form is used for is clearly decided on & arranged to happen.
present continuous
It's a false friend of the best kind. It fits into 'free time' and means "I do this in my leisure".
to spend time doing sth
Als ich der Bundeswehr beitrat, wusste ich nicht, was ich auf mich zukam.
When I joined the Bw, I didn't know what to expect.
As a handy adjective, you can use me for food, public transport or housing.
It's good or bad, it works with my name and person; in German, "it calls me".