5 Stages of Grief
Physical Manifestations of Approaching Death
Nursing Interventions
General Terms
What is denial?
A patient in this stage of Kubler-Ross' Stages of Grief and Dying could be found saying, "I can't be dying, I feel so healthy. Maybe they have the wrong person?"
What is hearing?
What is the last sense believed to remain intact before a person passes?
What is reassure the patient and give permission to "let go?"
This is good to encourage family members to say to the patient when they are about to pass?
What is myoclonus?
Mild or severe jerking or twitching that is sometimes associated with use of high dose of opioids?
What is palliative care?
Any form of care or treatment that focuses on reducing the severity of disease symptoms, rather than trying to delay or reverse the progression of the disease itself or provide a cure?
What is bargaining?
A patient in this stage of Kubler-Ross' Stages of Grief and Dying could be found saying, " I'll give the surgery another try if I'm guaranteed to live another year. If I can live to see my granddaughter graduate from college, I'll be happy to die."
What is Cheyne-Stokes respiration?
This pattern of breathing, characterized by, alternating periods of apnea and deep, rapid breathing, is usually seen as a person nears death.
What is a fixed dosing schedule?
What is the appropriate dosing schedule of pain medications at the EOL?
What is delirium?
What is a state characterized by confusion, disorientation, restlessness, clouding of consciousness, incoherence, fear, anxiety, excitement, and often hallucinations?
What is hospice?
What provides support and care for persons in the last phases of incurable disease so that they might live as fully and as comfortably as possible?
What is depression?
A patient in this stage of Kubler-Ross' Stages of Grief and Dying could be found saying, "This cancer is stronger than I am and is getting the best of me. Why should I have any hope in medication or treatment? I'm going to die anyways."
What is mottling?
What is purplish or blotchy red-blue coloring on lower legs and mottling?
What is a life review?
What can nurses talk with the patient about to recognize the value and meaning of their life?
What is patient must desire services and agree in writing that only hospice care is to be given. What is patient must be eligible for hospice with confirmation of less than 6 months less to live by certification of two physicians.
What are the two criteria for admission into a hospice program?
What is halitosis?
Dry mucous membranes causing bad breath and thrush
What is acceptance?
A patient in this stage of Kubler-Ross' Stages of Grief and Dying could be found saying, "I've had a good life and now my time has come. Although I hate to think of leaving this world, I'll face this final act with all the courage I can pull together."
What is noisy, wet-sounding respirations that result from mouth breathing and the accumulation of mucus in the airways?
What is the death rattle
What is opioids, sedatives, diuretics, antibiotics, corticosteroids, bronchodilators, anxiolytics?
What are 3 possible medications to be given for dyspnea?
What is physical, spiritual, social and psychological realms?
A holistic approach for patient care during end of life incorporates attention to what four realms of the patient?
What is advanced directives?
A written statement of a person's wishes regarding medical treatment, often including a living will, made to ensure those wishes are carried out should the person be unable to communicate them to a doctor?
What is anger?
A patient in this stage of Kubler-Ross' Stages of Grief and Dying could be found saying, "I can't believe this. I can't believe this is what I get for always taking care of other people. Why can't this happen to someone else instead of me?"
What is morphine, oxygen, a stool softener, and an anti-anxiety medication?
What are 4 commonly prescribed drugs given to a dying patient?
Who is the physician (some tissues must be used within hours after death)
Who is to be notified immediately when the patient is an organ donor?
What is provide palliative platters (pastries, juice, coffee), allow them to stay in the room around the clock and inform family members of any changes in status.
Three things nursing staff can do to care for the family members of a dying patient
What is withdrawing treatment?
This refers to omitting or ending such life sustaining treatments as ventilators, feeding tubes, kidney dialysis or medication that would otherwise prolong the patient's life. This legal act may be upon the patient's request, as the result of an advance directive or based upon the medical determination of futility.