Golden Statements
Interesting Challenges
Life Skills Trivia
WISE EQ Random

Recite day 4 golden statement.

Bullying is never okay, cool, or acceptable. No one ever deserves to be bullied.


Name one example of a need and want on the memory matching challenge.

(Teachers decide if the answers are correct.)


Name 3 academic skills and 3 life skills.

(example answers:)

academic skills:

- mathematics

- reading

- writing

- foreign language 

- typing

life skills:

- time management

- decision making

- people/social skills

- concentration 


What colour was teacher Chloe's hair yesterday?



Recite day 3 golden statement.

Time Management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities


In the Game of Life Interesting Challenge on Day 2, we practiced making ________.



what's the difference between telling vs tattling?

Telling: It's done to protect yourself or another person from getting hurt.

Tattling: It's done to get someone in trouble on purpose.


I spy something red in the hallway.

The fire extinguisher.


Recite day 2 golden statement.

Decision making is the process of figuring out to make your own choices


What is the meaning behind the toothpaste  of squeezing and putting it back in the tube?

Squeezing: It is very easy to say hurtful words and actions.

Putting it back in: it is very difficult to take it back those hurtful words and actions.


Name the 3 things that time managemnt skills can help you with.

1) estimating how long something will take.

2) deciding what you have time to do.

3) choosing what things are most important when you don't have enough time to do everything.

what was the name of the secret mission we played at the end of the day yesterday?

Human Bridge.


Recite day 1 golden statement.

Social skills are the key to build & maintain strong relationships, communicating effectively, and making friends.


What was the message behind the pop under pressure activity?

If we do not plan our time well, things will need to be done in a rush and affect the quality of your work.  Hence we need to manage our time well to avoid unnecessary rush in life.


What are the four steps of decision making?

The Challenge, Choices, Consequences, Final decision


What is the movie we will be watching today?

Boss Baby


The whole group recites all of the golden statements together.

1. Social skills are the key to build & maintain strong relationships, communicating effectively, and making friends.

2. Decision making is the process of figuring out to make your own choices

3. Time Management is the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between different activities

4. Bullying is never okay, cool, or acceptable. No one ever deserves to be bullied.


Name all of the Interesting Activities from this week.

DAY 1:

1. Choose the side

2. What would you do (Embarrassing Scenario Skits)

DAY 2:

1. The Game of Life

2. Need vs. Wants

DAY 3:

1. Pop Under Pressure

2. Time Management Table

DAY 4: 

1. Toothpaste analogy

2. Wooden Bird House Painting


why is it important to learn and practice the 4 life skills in our lives?

Social skills help you communicate effectively. Good communication is necessary to build, maintain, and grow relationships with people in your life. 

Decision making is important because we make many choices every day of our lives, and they can impact you now and in the future. So, it's key to be able to make good decisions and solve problems on your own.

Time management is important because since we have limited time each day, we need to be able to use that time in ways that lead to productive, well-balanced, and gratifying lives.

Bully prevention is important because we want to take action when you witness bullying happening. As well as share that no one deserves to be bullied, everyone deserves to feel safe.


How old do you think Teacher Barry is this year? (hint: maybe from 20 to 30 years old.) 

Does Teacher Barry approve?
