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User is trying to unlock a student's test, but does not have the appropriate permission.  You tell them to reach out to their school testing coordinator to request this permission.
User Management > Account/Permission Request


Test Management > Unlock

Site wants to regenerate student tickets for the Secure Practice Test with Response Transmission. 
Test Management > Regeneration

User needs help setting up a COS-Service Device.  
DRC Setup/Connectivity > COS-Service Device
Students in grades 3,4,6,7 and EOC grades have this form "number" if they have the VSL accommodation.

Hint: its not form 01

A student's report is showing up on the Individual Student Report.  They are not satisfied with the score and want the student to retest.  (The caller is a District-level user.)  What would you do?
Refer them to their State Assessment Specialist for more direction
Student with TTS accommodation started testing with form 09.  You ask that they reach out to their state assessment specialist for more direction.
Test Administration/Policy > Refer to client/vendor
A user's TSM machine is off by 45 seconds and is not updating content.  You ask that they sync their TSM machine with  After doing this, the user's TSM machine is working properly and can download content.
Client Setup/Connectivity > Hardware/Equipment
User is having problems deploying INSIGHT to their Chromebooks.  You walk them through the steps from the Technology User Guide.  Now INSIGHT is working on their Chromebooks
DRC Setup/Connectivity > INSIGHT Setup
A student has the TTS accommodation.  Their headphones are plugged in.  They have form 01.  Their volume is turned up.  When they start their test, they get an error message saying they cannot connect to the correct content.  What should be checked.
Ensure the TTS content has been downloaded to the TSM.
A student clicks the next button and nothing happens.  The screen freezes.  This has happened after they have restarted the student's computer and tried a different computer.  What should be done.
Phil will run telemetry and we will determine if the student has answered any operational questions.  If the student has not answered any operational questions, we will regenerate the student's test ticket.
User is wondering when their initial materials will arrive.
Materials > Initial Order/Enrollment


Materials > Shipment

User is getting a TSM connection error while running a System Readiness Check (SRC.)  You tell them to check their whitelisting.  This solves their problem.
Client Setup/Connectivity > Network/Firewall
User has students in Paper/Pencil test sessions.  They want these students in Online test sessions.  You tell them that they can use the MSU file to update this information.  After modifying column "AA" they upload their MSU file and all students are now in the proper test sessions.
Student Management > Student Upload
How many pre-id labels do EOG testers receive?  Do they need to send these labels back if their students are doing an online test and have no use for the labels?
EOG testers receive 2 labels.

They do not need to send these labels back.  They can be securely destroyed.

An EOG 8th grade student is going to take the EOC Math and EOC Science courses.  How should this be setup?
Ensure the EOG profile has the two EOC checkmark boxes checked under demographics.

Add student to the EOC administration.  Add EOC student profile to appropriate test sessions at appropriate school.

Student is claiming that they lost their writing response.  Phil will run telemetry.
Test Management > Test Progress
User is looking for their Human Reader/Human Signer PDF under All Applications > Downloads.  You point them in the correct direction: All Applications > Documents > Document Type = Accommodation Supports.
Test Administration/Policy > Documentation/ Training


Test Management > Print Test Tickets

User wants to order additional materials.  You tell them to wait until the additional material window opens.
Materials > Additional Order
A test tickets lock over night. True or false?
A student is taking their test via paper/pencil.  The school wants to transcribe this into INSIGHT.  How is the student setup?
The student is added to Student Management.  Their student profile receives the transcription accommodation.  The student tests in their paper booklet/answer document.  After they are complete, the teacher takes the booklet and signs into their test and transcribes their answers into INSIGHT.

The transcription accommodation needs to be added before the test ticket is printed.  This ensures that the online form is 01 and aligns with the paper booklet.

Student has an active flag.  You confirm that their TSM is clear and send the student information into the hipchat room to have Michael P or Phil clear the active flag.
Test Management > Active Flag
User has an IP address in the TSM content caching/TSM response caching lines in their COS-DTK.  You tell them that those lines require the TSM Server Domain information.  This fixes their connection problems.
DRC Setup/Connectivity > COS-DTK
Student is trying to get back into the non-calc. portion of their math test, but are being blocked by a message saying that "this portion of the test is no longer available."  Phil will run telemetry to determine if the student's test should be unlocked.
Test Management > Test Progress
All sections of a student's test must be completed before a preliminary report becomes available.  True or false?
When does the Spring EOC mid month window end?  When does the SPTWRT window end?
Spring EOC mid month window ends on 3/23

SPTWRT window ends on 4/20
