Unit Form
Word Problems
Distributive Property
Commutative Property
Multi-Step Problems

What does 7 fours mean? Find the answer. 

7 x 4 = 28

There are a total of 36 bees. They are equally split up into 4 bee hives. How many bees are there in each hive?

9 bees in each hive., 


Fill in the blank and solve. 

(5 X 4) + (2 X 4) = ?

(5 X 4) + (2 X 4) = 7 X 4

20   +    8    =    28


Fill in the blank:

4 x 2 = 2 X _____

4 x 2 = 2 X 4

There are 5 dogs in my house. Each dog has 4 legs. How many legs are there total? How many legs are there on 3 dogs?

Draw a picture to help you figure this out. 

5 x 4 = 20 

There are 20 legs total for the 5 dogs. 

3 x 4 = 12 

There are 12 legs total on 3 dogs. 


9 threes + 2 threes = _____ threes

9 threes + 2 threes = 11 threes

11 threes = 33


There are 3 students in each row. There are 7 rows total. How many students are in the class? 

Draw a tape diagram to find your answer. 

7 x 3 = 21

There are a total of 21 students in the class. 

(You also need a tape diagram to get the points for this question.)


Fill in the blank and solve. 

(6 X 1) + (9 X 1) = ?

(6 X 1) + (9 X 1) = ?

6   +    9   = 15


Make this a true statement: 

7 X 6 = ____ x 7

7 X 6 = 6 x 7


Orlando buys a box of 18 fruit snacks. Each box comes with an equal number of strawberry, cherry, and grape-flavored snacks. He eats all the grape flavored snacks. Draw and label a tape diagram to find how many fruit snacks he has left. 

18 / 3 = 6

6 strawberry      6 cherry        6 grape 

18 - 6 = 12    OR       6 + 6 = 12

Orlando has 12 fruit snacks left. 


6 fives + 3 fives = _____ fives

6 fives + 3 fives = 9 fives

9 fives = 45 


Seven clowns each hold 5 balloons at the fair. 

Draw and label a tape diagram to show how many balloons the clowns hold at the fair. 

7 X 5 = 35

(Need a tape diagram to get points)


Fill in the blank and solve. 

(3 X 4) + (7 X 4 ) =?

(3 X 4) + (7 X 4) = 10 X 4

12   +     28   =  40


Fill in the blank and solve: 

5 x 3 = _____ x 5

5 x 3 = 3 x 5

15 = 15


Betsy buys 24 pumpkins at the fair. She plans on carving 4 pumpkins each day. How many days will it take Betsy to carve all her pumpkins? How many pumpkins will she carve over the 3-day weekend?

Draw a tape diagram to help you solve this. 

24 / 4 = 6 

It will take Betsy 6 days to carve 24 pumpkins. 

3 x 4 = 12

Betsy will carve 12 pumpkins over the 3-day weekend. 


Fill in the blank AND solve:

7 twos + _____ twos = 10 twos

7 twos + 3 twos = 10 twos

14     +   6     =    20

Jillian swims 6 laps in the pool each day. How many laps does she swim in 4 days?

Draw and label a tape diagram. 

Jillian swims 24 laps in 4 days. 

4 x 6 = 24 

(Need a tape diagram for points)


Fill in the blank and solve. 

(8 x 2) + (____ X 2) = 11 X 2

(8 x 2) + (3 X 2) = 11 X 2

16   +    6    = 22


Fill in the blank and solve: 

6 x 4 = _____ x ________

6 x 4 = 4 x 6

24 = 24


Bernard bought 21 cupcakes for his party. He invited 7 of his friends to come. If he divides his cupcakes equally amongst his 7 friends, how many cupcakes will three of his friends get total?

Draw a tape diagram to help you solve this.

21 / 7 = 3

Each friend will get 3 cupcakes. 

3 x 3 = 9

Three of his friends will eat a total of 9 cupcakes. 

Fill in the blank and solve: 

____ fours + 3 fours = 9 fours

6 fours + 3 fours = 9 fours 

24    +    12    =    36


Grace picks 4 flowers from her garden. Each flower has 8 petals. Draw and label a tape diagram to show how many petals there are in all. 

There are 32 flower petals in all. 

4 X 8 = 32

(need a tape diagram to receive points)


Fill in the blank and solve. 

(4 x 4) + (____ X 4) =  9 X 4

(4 x 4) + ( 5 X 4) =  9 X 4

16    +    20    =   36


Fill in the blank and solve: 

8 x 5 = _____ x ______

8 x 5 =5 x 8

40 = 40


Jesse buys 24 seeds and plants 4 in each pot. She has 5 pots. How many more pots does Jesse need to plant all of her seeds?

Draw a picture to help you solve this.

24 / 4 = 6 

6 - 5 = 1

Jesse would need 1 more pot to plant all of her seeds. 
