What is a selector?
When you want an element to fill the entire width of a page or a parent element, you can change the width to this value.
What is "100%"?
"Perfectly balanced..."
"...as all things should be."
What online cloud service are we saving all of our files to?
What is "Google Drive"?
This online website we are NOT using anymore to turn in assignments.
What is "Codepen"?
This CSS property is used to change change the color of text.
What is the "color" property?
What is "absolute"?
This game is free to play, on every console, phone, and computer, and you can dance around while wearing pink bear costumes.
What is "Fortnight"?
When you save an HTML file, you need to change the file extension to these 4 letters.
What is ".html"?
We are using this service to view and turn in assignments.
What is "Teams"?
This CSS property changes the size of an element horizontally.
What is the "width" property?
These things look really good, but you can't eat them because they're laundry detergent.
What are "tide pods"?
When you want to link a CSS file to your HTML page, you need to use this tag.
What is the "<link> tag"?
You can use this thing sitting right in front of you to extend your computer screen to make it easier to work on websites.
What is a "computer monitor" or a "docking station"?
Changing this CSS property allows the border and padding to be included in the total size of an element.
What is the "box-sizing" property.
If you have an element with a set width and you need to center it's children, you can use this special margin value to achieve this.
What is "margin: 0 auto"?
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Who is "Spongebob Squarepants"?
When you want to reference the location of a file in the current folder, you use these two characters.
What is "./" (dot forward slash)?
I am now allowing late assignments to be turned in. This is the penalty for turning in an assignment over 12 hours late.
What is "20%"?
This CSS property allows you to change the font that is used.
This unit of measurement is based on the closest parent's defined font size.
What is "em"?
"I'm g'not a g'noblin, I'm g'not a g'nelf..."
"...I'm a g'nome! And you've been gnomed!"
What is "control + s"?
What is the hex color code for the color of the shirt that Mr. Yount wore on the first day of school?
What is "#0000FF"?