What teacher used to teach at Mariner High School?
Name a mall we went to on a community outing.
Everett or Alderwood
What are the ingredients in a quesadilla?
Tortilla and cheese. Meat, beans, etc. are optional.
What do you do if you are going to be absent from school or work?
Call or text and let someone know you will be absent.
What should you do when you first arrive at your internship?
Greet your supervisor
Name your co-workers at your internship this spring.
Name a community outing where you get to play basketball.
Boys and Girls Club or Rose Hill
You are in a cabin and it is pitch black. You have one match on you. Which do you light first, the newspaper, the lamp, the candle, or the fire?
The match!
Why do we earn CBTC dollars at internships?
It imitates real life. We get paid for good work so we can buy things we need and like.
What is the uniform for CBTC?
Black pants, white shirt unless you work at the farm.
Name your co-workers from you internship last Fall.
Where do we go for, "Walk-On?"
Angel of the Winds Arena
Which is larger -- 1/4 cup or 1/2 cup?
1/2 cup
What is demographic information?
Name, address, phone number, birthdate, etc., or personal information.
Give 3 examples of work place etiquette?
Clean up after yourself, be on time, greet people, dress appropriately, offer to help your co-workers, have a positive attitude, try your best, etc.
Name 4 of your internships.
What do you need to do to plan an outing with a friend?
Call them or text them, choose a place, a date, a time, make sure your family knows, arrange transportation.
What is one thing you learned from Caitlin in speech?
What is the difference between soft skills and hard skills?
Soft skills are skills we need for any job, like dressing appropriately, greeting people, being on time, being helpful, etc.
Hard skills are specific to a certain job, like feeding chickens, bussing tables, putting go-backs on the shelf, rolling silverware, cleaning a treadmill, etc.
Name 7 of the job coaches.
Elizabeth, Noelle, Julie, Margarete, Judy, Sue, Patti, Wijdan, Lee, Kim Hall
How will you get to a place in the community after you graduate from CBTC?
ParaTransit or DART bus
What do you wear when taking hot things out of the oven?
Oven mitt or potholder
What is your last day of school?
June 12th or
June 20th or
June 24th
What do you need to do to get a job?
Work well at internships to develop good work skills and to get a good recommendation for your resume. Earn $12 every day at CBTC because then you know you are practicing the skills needed to get a job. Fill out an application, get an interview, get the job.