Ch. 4 - Early America
Ch. 6 - Gilded Age
Ch. 7 - Progressive Era
Ch. 8 - Imperialism
Ch. 9 - WWI

What is our national motto?

a. E Pluribus Unum

b. In God We Trust

c. Hook Em Horns

d. None of the above

b. In God We Trust


The Gilded Age was characterized by...

a. reduced government corrupt

b. a hands-off approach to business by government

c. extensive U.S. military involvement in Europe

d. nationwide civil rights activism and protests

b. a hands-off approach to business by government


Regulation of railroads, a graduated income tax, and unlimited coinage of silver were all policies pushed by which political party?

a. republican party

b. populist party

c. democrat party

d. progressive party

b. populist party


What was the name of Alfred Thayer Mahan's book that impacted U.S. foreign policy by advocating for Imperialism?

A. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History

B. The Wealth of Nations

C. Green Eggs and Ham

D. None of the above.

A. The Influence of Sea Power Upon History


Who received the Medal of Honor for leading an attack on a German machine gun nest in World War I, taking 32 machine guns, killing 28 German soldiers, and capturing 132 others?

A. Alvin York

B. Audie Murphy

C. Roy Benavidez

D. Vernon J. Baker

A. Alvin York


Name 2 civic responsibilities for American citizens.

Jury duty



One effect the Transcontinental Railroad had on the country was...

a. Settlers from the East came to the Great Plains

b. Immigration from China decreased

c. Immigration to the East coast increased

d. None of the above

a. Settlers from the East came to the Great Plains


In response to the Progressives outcry for improved labor laws, Wilson passed the...

A. Union Rights Act 

B. Child Labor Act 

C. Minimum Wage Act 

D. 19th Amendment

B. Child Labor Act


Which of the following statements about Puerto Rico is correct?

A. Signed an annexation treaty with the United States after World War I.

B. Was promised U.S. military protection as part of Woodrow Wilson’s Fourteen Points

C. Became a state during the U.S. Reconstruction Era.

D. Was ceded to the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War.

D. Was ceded to the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War.


The League of Nations was created by which treaty?

A. Sussex Pledge

B. Treaty of Paris

C. Treaty of United Nations

D. Treaty of Versailles

D. Treaty of Versailles


Which document states that citizens have "unalienable rights" to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

a. Articles of Confederation

b. Bill of Rights

c. Declaration of Independence

d. U.S. Constitution

c. Declaration of Independence


During the Gilded Age, Irish immigrants were discriminated against for...

a. taking jobs away from "native born" Americans

b. being loyal to the United Kingdom

c. being opposed to political machines

d. being Roman Catholics

d. Roman Catholics


Name the 3 C's of Roosevelt's Square Deal.

Control of corporations, conservation of natural resources and consumer protection.


The end of the Spanish-American War in 1898 placed the United States in the position of being a world power by...

A. Destroying the Spanish military.

B. Enforcing the Monroe Doctrine.

C. Gaining territories around the world.

D. Organizing a governing body

C. Gaining territories around the world.


"The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty. We have no selfish ends to serve." -Woodrow Wilson

A. Creation of the League of Nations.

B. War message to Congress.

C. Promotion of isolationism.

D. Support for the Lend-Lease Act.

B. War message to Congress.


What was the first central government the 13 colonies established set up a very weak national form of association between the states?

a. U.S. Constitution

b. Bill of Rights

c. Articles of Confederation

d. none of the above

c. Articles of Confederation


Because the role of government was more limited in America than Europe, government took a "hands off" approach to the American economy. Which key value best describes this type of approach?

a. liberty

b. egalitarianism

c. laissez-faire


c. laissez-faire


In addition to high transportation costs, what were two other problems U.S. farmers faced from 1870-1900?

a. crop overproduction and high debt

b. crop failures and high debt

c. labor shortage and drought

d. none of the above

a. crop overproduction and high debt.


As a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States saw the need to build the Panama Canal because...

A. U.S. railroads could not transport enough goods.

B. The U.S. navy could then move more quickly between oceans.

C. Spanish opposition to the Canal had ended.

D. New colonies had been acquired in Africa.

B. The U.S. navy could then move more quickly between oceans.


One contributing cause of the United States' entry into World War I was Germany breaking the...

A. Versailles Treaty

B. Sussex Pledge

C. British Blockage

D. Central Powers

B. Sussex Pledge


Name all 5 of Alexis de Tocqueville's key values he saw in America.







The rise of entrepreneurship during the Gilded Age most affected the overall economy by...

a. allowing for the formation of large corporations

b. spurring the development of new transportation technology

c. creating the first group of highly wealthy individuals in the nation

d. introducing efficiencies which lowered prices on most goods

d. introducing efficiencies which lowered prices on most goods


Why did the Populist Party want free coinage of silver?

a. to raise campaign contribution limits

b. to reduce inflation

c. to increase the amount of money in circulation

d. to decrease the bargaining power of labor unions

c. to increase the amount of money in circulation


Which statement describes the economic effects of the Spanish-American War on the United States?

A. The loss of the Panama Canal meant expensive shipping costs.

B. Free trade with Spanish increased government revenue.

C. Women were more highly regarded as workers.

D. The acquisition of territory meant more resources and trade routes.

D. The acquisition of territory meant more resources and trade routes.


Which of the following explains why the U.S. Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles in 1919?

A. The Senate opposed a collective security arrangement.

B. President Wilson supported an isolationist foreign policy.

C. The Senate opposed the reparations set for Italy.

D. President Wilson requested that peace with Germany be postponed.

A. The Senate opposed a collective security arrangement.
