Write the definition for a numerator and denominator
What units of measurement do you use to measure Mass?
What is 7 x 8?
Name the three graphs we learned about in class
What is Mr Chapman's first name?
Write three equivalent fractions for:
What is similar about g and mL as well as L and kg?
What is 9 x 13?
What is one disadvantage of using tally marks as a form of collecting data
What is Mr Chapman's favourite subject to teach?
Label these fractions on a number line correctly:
What weighs more? 3.5kg or 3500g? Why?
Write the first twelve multiples of 12
Give me an example of where we see data in our everyday lives
Write two of Mr Chapman's famous sayings (What I say a lot in the classroom)
Write 0.09 as a fraction
Name an object at home that is equal to 1kg
Write the factors of 48
Write this data into a graph of your choice (You need a title for your data in order to get 400 points):
Dogs 10
Cats 7
Rabbit 2
Snake 1
What is Mr Josh's last name?
Write 0.6 as a fraction AND give me an equivalent fraction in order to get 500 points
If I had
Eleven 20g weights
Seven 50g weights
Three 300g weights
How much weight would I have in total?
John was training for the cross country. He trained 6 days a week and ran 8km each time. How far did he run in three weeks?
Why is asking good questions important when gathering data?
Who is the only person in this class with perfect attendance?