What teacher has her room decorated with bumble bees?
Ms Dundas
Who is the Para that is retiring this year?
Mrs. Szymanski
Name 3 of the Paras that are outside in the morning for recess?
Mrs. Meyer
Mrs. Zinke
Ms. Moore
Ms Meyers
Mrs. Wetzel
Mrs. Bennett (Ms. Amber)
Mrs. Szymanski
Mrs. Kerner
What has 6 faces and 21 eyes
A die (dice)
Whose nose grew longer every time he lied?
Which teacher is retiring this year?
Mrs. Bartlett
Which Para is out in front of the building in the morning?
Mrs. Brown
Who are the paras that do 5th grade lunch duty?
Mrs. Kerner and Mrs. Meyer
What do you call a snowman who goes on vacation in July?
A puddle
In the nursery rhyme, who sat on a wall before having a great fall?
Humpty Dumpty
Name the 4th grade teachers?
Mrs. Green
Mrs. Lassard
Mrs. VanHise
Mrs. Sapoznik
Mrs. Poliska
Ms Thibodeau
Which Paras have children currently Monroe Center?
Mrs. Cline
Mrs. Grobe
Mrs. Kerner
What does Mrs. Meyer always drink?
Mt. Dew
How do you tell the difference between a bull and a cow?
It's one or the udder.
What is the capital of the United States?
Washington D.C.
Name all the 3rd grade teachers?
Ms Dundas
Mrs. Bartlett
Mrs. Stahl
Mrs. Mandzen
Mrs. Tompkins
Which Paras are related to Nurse Carrie?
Mrs. Bennett
Mrs. Bennett (Ms Amber)
Who is the funniest Para?
Mrs. Zinke (In Mrs. Meyer's opinion)
What did the pig say on a hot day?
I'm bacon
Which vegetable is believed to help you see better?
Can you name all the 5th grade teachers?
Ms Bond
Mrs. McDevitt
Ms Massari
Ms Papke
Mrs. Laugerhausen
Who are the paras in Mrs. Meyer's room?
Mrs. Cline
Mrs. Zinke
Mrs. Szymanski
Who is your favorite teacher at MC?
All answers are correct.
What do you get when you combine an elephant with a fish?
Swimming trunks
How do raisins start?