The American flag is folded into this shape.
What is a triangle?
Troop 255 was founded this year.
What is 2023?
This scout (or scouts) helps the SPL, and directly assists him.
What is the ASPL?
This knot is often called the simplest knot.
What is the square knot?
The sigma is this.
The thing you shouldn't put a compass near is this.
What are magnets?
Our original troop number was this.
The Quarter Master does this.
What is taking inventory and taking care of the trailer?
The Palomar knot is used for this.
What is securing a fishing line to a fishing hook?
The SPLs and ASPLs do this.
What is crash out every meeting?
The process of washing the dishes on a camp out is called this.
BONUS: "The three basins are named . . ."
What is the Three Basin Method? | ". . . Hey Your Hot Stuff, Mr. Clean, and COVID 19."
Our troop playlist was created by this person.
Who is Lexi?
This position edits and creates the website for the troop.
What is the Webmaster?
The way to untie this knot is to pull it apart, and it just slips out.
What is the slip knot?
This is the theme for the Patrols of the B Troop.
What are the elements?
While marching in a flag ceremony, you always start with this foot.
What is your left foot?
The greatest yell ever created by any member of 255 was this.
What is "Track One?"
The SPL is in charge of these people.
What are the scouts?
The most common knot used to carry logs (or other objects like it (water bottles, etc.)) is this.
What is the timber hitch?
This is the theme for the Patrols of the G Troop.
What are the animals?
These, used for storing things, and cooking food on top of on camp outs, are stored in the side of the trailer.
What are the Patrol Boxes?
The original patrols of 255 were these.
What are the Foxes, the Flaming Arrows, the Scorpions, and the Night Howlers?
This leadership position is in charge of making a daily fact, and taking photos on camp outs.
What is the Historian?
The greatest knot of all time, used to create teepees, and the doorway we use for our campsite is this.
What is a Tripod Lashing?
What is nothing? Like, seriously, it doesn’t stand for anything. What did you think it stood for?