How do you say « trousse » in English?
Pencil case
Answer the following question: How old are you?
I am….. years old
How much is twenty+ sixteen?
20+16 = ( equals) 36 ( thirty-six)
Write the time: Il est onze heures
It is eleven o clock
How do you say: Puis- je aller à mon casier?
May I go to my locker, please?
How do you say « Royaume Uni » in English?
The United Kingdom
What is the order of adjectives I have blue/ long/ wavy hair
I have long wavy blue hair
T. A. C
Write the date in English: Mardi 2 janvier
Tuesday, January ( the) 2nd ( second) 2023 ( two thousand and twenty-three)
Write the time: il est deux heure et demi
It is half past two
How do you say: Je ne comprends pas
I don’t understand
How do you say « il sait voler dans l’espace » in English?
He can fly into space
Answer the following question : Do you like sports?
Yes I do
How much is fifty + one hundred?
50 + 100 = 150 ( one hundred and fifty)
Il est 5 heures et quart
It is (a) quarter past five
How do you say: Puis- je distribuer les photocopies?
May I give out the photocopies, please?
How do you say : « Cheveux en pic » in English?
Spiky hair
Correct the following sentence: She *have green eyes
She Has green eyes
Write the date in English: mercredi 18 avril
Wednesday, April ( the) 18th ( eighteenth)
Il est sept heures moins 5
It is five to seven
How do you say: Je n’ai pas mes devoirs
I don’t have my homework
How do you say « j’ai peur » en anglais
I am scared!
Answer this question: Where are you from?
I m from Machecoul/ France
How much is How much is one thousand+ twenty-seven + eighty-six?
1000+27+86=1113 ( one thousand one hundred and thirteen)
Il est 8 heures moins le quart
It is ( a) quarter to eight
How do you say: Bonnes vacances!!!!!?
Happy ( summer) holidays!!!!!!!!