During school, we would check in using this colorful grid 3-5 times a day.
What is The Mood Meter
This student has a cat named Blue.
Who is Gabe
This is our principal
Who is Mr. Proctor
The first computer was invented in what year? The 1930s, 1940s, 1950s or 1960s?
What is the 1940s?
Miss A has 1 cat and 2 kittens. What are their names?
What are Thor, Loki, and Shadow
Outside of our classroom, we decorated what with colorfully painted hands at the beginning of the year?
What is our Classroom Charter
This student was our most recent addition to the classroom.
Who is Caleb B
This is the NICEST office lady (at SIS) you will EVER meet!!! Even though Miss A yells at her sometimes (jokingly, always!)
Who is Mrs. Hill
The longest wedding veil was as long as how many football fields? 60, 61, 62, or 63?
What is 63 (actually 63.5!!!)
Miss A will be attending this college for graduate school in the fall (while still teaching 5th grade!).
What is Pacific University
Miss A had a "gaming chair" in her classroom library. It was the shape/design of a what?
What is a baseball glove?
This student's mother is expecting twins!
Who is Piper
Name the 3 NEWEST SIS teachers this year.
Who are Mrs. Minturn, Mrs. Farrens, and Mr. Koekkoek
What is 300!!!
What is Miss A's sister's name AND where did she go to school?
This colorful, mathematical tool was located directly under the whiteboard in the front of the classroom.
What is the number line
These two students love football and OSU.
Who are Gavin and Caleb
These are the 4 6th grade teachers you could have next year!
Who are Mrs. Hill, Miss Abraham, Mrs. Noelke, and Miss Kaufman
This is the most common letter used in the English alphabet.
What is the letter E (shows up in 11% of all words).
Miss A has been to 8 different countries (NOT including the United States). Name 4 countries she has been to.
What are Canada, Mexico, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy, and South Africa
What were the names of 4 of the 6 table groups?
What are Willamette, OSU, University of Oregon, OIT, Corban, and WOU
I had this student's sibling in class last year.
Who is Sarah
Name the SIS teachers who graduated from Corban (there are 3).
This farm animal is constitutionally protected in Florida.
What are pigs (written in 1838, pigs have the right of privacy, the freedom of speech, and the right not to be caged if pregnant)
How many over-the-fence homeruns did Miss A hit in her collegiate career at Corban?
What is 2 homeruns (I was a slap-hitter, don't make fun! We're not power hitters!!!)