Division / Subtraction
Hodge Podge
Area / Perimeter
During the 2008 Summer Olympics, Poland won 10 medals. France won 4 times as many medals as Poland. How many medals did France win?
What is 40 medals
A skyscraper has 412 windows. A window washer already cleaned 285 windows. How many more windows does he still have to clean?
What is 127 windows
A pizza was cut into 8 equal slices. Mark ate 3 slices and his brother ate 2 slices. What fraction of the pizza did Mark and his brother eat?
What is 5/8 of the pizza
Sue drew a square, hexagon and pentagon. Which shape has only 1 line of symmetry?
What is a pentagon
Sally's rectangular backyard measures 25 feet by 40 feet. What is the perimeter of her backyard?
What is 130 feet
The Singapore Flyer is one of the world's largest Ferris wheels. There are 28 cars and each car can hold 28 passengers. About how many passengers can ride the Ferris wheel at one time?
What is 900 people
The fourth grade class is going on a field trip. There are 124 students. However, 17 students can't go on the trip. How many fourth graders are going on the trip?
What is 107 students
Tom ate 4/8 of a pizza. Mike ate 3/8 of the same pizza. How much more of the pizza did Tom eat. (answer must be a fraction)
What is 1/8
Mary looked at the clock - it was 5:00. What angle did the clock arms form?
What is an obtuse angle
Jackie drew an octagon. Each sides measures 4 inches. What is the perimeter of Jackie's octagon?
What is 32 inches
The food pantry sets a goal of collecting 40 cans of food each day in November. There are 30 days in November. How many cans of food will the food pantry collect?
What is 1,200 cans of food
Nadia burned 56 calories practicing martial arts. She burned 8 calories a minute. How long did Nadia practice martial arts?
What is 7 minutes
Wanda painted 3/6 of a poster. What is the missing denominator so both fractions are equivalent? 3 = 1 6 ?
What is 2
Write a 4 digit number that has a 2 in the hundredths place.
What is 54.32 (for example)
Niccole measured the length and width of her placemat. The length was 12 inches and the width was 9 inches. What is the area of her placemat?
What is 108 square inches
The American flag has 50 stars and 13 red and white stripes. At a parade, 17 people are waving mini flags. How many stars are on the flags in all?
What is 850 stars
School 12 has 135 third graders. There are 5 third teachers and each class has the same number of students. How many students are in each class?
What is 27 students
Give two equivalent fractions for 6/12
What is 1/2, 12/24, 18/36.......
Larry spent $310 on 5 equally priced model trains. Larry needs to know how much each train cost. Should Larry add, subtract, multiply or divide?
What is divide
Mike wants to paint his bedroom. It is 14 feet long and 8 feet wide. What is the area of Mike's bedroom?
What is 112 square feet
A family membership at a museum costs $85 per year. What is the total cost of 29 family memberships?
What is $2,465
Kelly's class collected 3,129 pennies in 7 months. They collected the same number of pennies each month. How many pennies did the class collect in one month?
What is 447 pennies
What is 2 and 5/8 - 6/8
What is 1 and 7/8
Kevin measured that it was 39 feet from the door of his classroom to the principal's office. What is that distance in yards?
What is 13 yards
Mr. and Mrs. Smith just carpeted their new master bedroom. It is 22 feet long by18 feet wide. What is the area of their bedroom?
What is 396 square feet