Jesse went shopping and needed to buy one shirt, one pair of shorts, and one hat. List all the possible outcomes if he was given the following options:
Shirts: Solid, Striped, Polo
Shorts: Khaki, Plaid
Hat: Yankees hat, Mets hat
What is (Solid, Khaki, Yankee), (Solid, Khaki, Mets)
(Solid, Plaid, Yankee), (Solid, Plaid, Mets)
(Striped, Khaki, Yankees), (Striped, Khaki Mets)
(Striped, Plaid, Yankees), (Striped, Plaid, Mets)
(Polo, Khaki, Yankees), (Polo, Khaki, Mets)
(Polo, Plaid, Yankees), (Polo, Plaid, Mets)