Before the Revolutionary War
During the Revolutionary War
Important people/Miscellaneous

Which of the following words describes a person who supports and defends their country?

A. traitor

B. patriot

C. ambassador

D. rebe

B. Patriot


The text states that, after the Continental Army’s bleak winter at Valley Forge, “the tide was beginning to turn in their favor.” What helped turn the tide?

- Foraging parties, sent by Washington, returned with enough food to feed the soldiers at Valley Forge.

- Washington convinced the Continental Congress to send more money and recruit more soldier.

- Von Steuben, a German, trained the Continental Army at Valley Forge so they were better prepared to fight as an army


The French and Indian War was fought between who?

The British and the French


Describe the Continental Army at the beginning of the Revolutionary War during the 2nd Continental Congress.

The Continental Army had little military training and faced many challenges and defeats.


This patriot’s pamphlet, Common Sense, influenced the Second Continental Congress’ decision to fight for independence.

A. Samuel Adams

B. Isaac Barre

C. Thomas Paine

D. John Hancock

C. Thomas Paine


In the following sentence, what is the meaning of the word declaration?

Thomas Jefferson, a representative from Virginia, was asked to write an official declaration of independence.

A document that contains an official statement


Who wrote the following words, and in what context were they written? “I am now convinced, beyond a doubt that unless some great and capital change suddenly takes place . . . this Army must inevitably be reduced to one or other of these three things. Starve, dissolve, or disperse.”

A. The British general wrote these words to King George III, describing the state of his army after their defeat at the Battle of Saratoga.

B. Lord Cornwallis wrote these words to General O’Hara as a sign of defeat at Yorktown.

C. George Washington wrote these words in a letter to the Continental Congress, seeking help for the Continental Army while camping at Valley Forge.

D. The Marquis de Lafayette wrote these words in his journal upon seeing the poor condition of Washington’s men at Valley Forge.

C. George Washington wrote these words in a letter to the Continental Congress, seeking help for the Continental Army while camping at Valley Forge.


By defeating the _________ in the French and Indian War, the _________ became the most important power in North America. 

French , British


Paul Revere and other night riders rode out of Boston on the eve before which battle?

A. Battles of Lexington and Concord

B. Battle of Bunker Hill

C. Battle of Breeds Hill

D. Battle of Saratoga

A. Battles of Lexington and Concord


While the Battle of Bunker Hill was being fought in Massachusetts, representatives from all 13 colonies attended the Second Continental Congress. Which of the following did they decide to do?

create an army

write a formal declaration of independence 

set up a postal service


In the following sentence, what is the meaning of the word boycott? Many establishments agreed to boycott British tea.

Refuse to buy or use


What was the French involvement in the American Revolution?

The French sent military troops to help the colonists fight the British.


Following the French and Indian War, the British decided to tax the colonists because?

the British owed lots of money from the war and felt the colonists should help pay their bills.


The American Revolution spans many years, but the actual war began in with the “shot heard ’round the world” in .

A. April 1775; Lexington, Massachusetts

B. June 1775; Bunker Hill, Massachusetts

C. October 1781; Yorktown, Virginia

D. December 1776; Trenton, New Jersey

A. April 1775; Lexington, Massachusetts


When the British continued their aggression on the colonists, the colonists held a meeting in Philadelphia, where representatives from 12 of the 13 colonies gathered. What is this meeting known as?

The first Continental Congress


In the following paragraph, what is the meaning of the word opposition?

Many of the colonists were proud British subjects. But they also felt that they had rights—rights that the king and his government could not take away. Opposition to the Stamp Act spread.



The French were very important in helping:

A. the British gain victories throughout the southern states

B. the colonists defeat the British at Yorktown and win the war

C. the colonists spy on the British in New York

D. the French establish settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains

B. the colonists defeat the British at Yorktown and win the war


The colonists demonstrated their opposition to the Stamp Act in which of the following ways? Circle all that apply.

A. sending petitions to London

B. crying, “No taxation without representation!”

C. sending money to London

D. writing pamphlets

A. sending petitions to London

B. crying, “No taxation without representation!”

D. writing pamphlets


Number the following events in the order in which they happened, from 1–3:

______ Tadeusz KoŚciuszko, a Polish engineer, helped the Continental Army build defensive walls and forts near Saratoga, New York, forcing the British to surrender their arms. 

______ Friedrich von Steuben joined Washington’s troops at Valley Forge and trained a model company in the use of bayonets and muskets. 

______ George Washington boosted the morale of his troops by staging a surprise attack, crossing the Delaware River and forcing the surrender of Hessian soldiers in Trenton, New Jersey

2, 3, 1


True or False:

The declaration of independence that Thomas Jefferson was asked to write became a key document in American history.



The text states, “After the war, Deborah Sampson was recognized by John Hancock for having shown ‘an extraordinary instance of female heroism.’” You may infer from this statement that Deborah Sampson was a:

A. villain

B. spy

C. heroine

D. traitor

C. heroine


Number the following events in the order in which they happened, from 1–4. 

______ The British signed the Treaty of Paris, ending the Revolutionary War. 

______ Continental and French soldiers, together with the French navy, cornered the British at Yorktown.

______ A well-prepared Continental Army marched out of Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. 

______ British troops surrendered to French and Continental troops at Yorktown.



The Stamp Act, the Boston Massacre, and the Intolerable Acts were all examples of:

A. colonial and British cooperation

B. British respect for the colonists

C. increasing British control over the affairs of the colonists

D. colonial acts of aggression against the British

C. increasing British control over the affairs of the colonists


Which words accurately complete the following sentence? 

______ was a longtime _______ of Great Britain, so they welcomed the opportunity to assist the colonists in their fight against the British. A. Germany; trading partner B. France; enemy C. Russia; enemy D. Spain; competitor

France ; enemy 


The Second Continental Congress put WHO in charge of the Continental Army?

George Washington
