What role did Panama play in American Imperialism?
Served as a transit for American Trade
How did wanting more markets and materials influence American's expansion?
Movement across the country.
What was the main reason the USA wanted to participate in WW1?
Germany's Submarine attacks
What positive impacts did WW1 have on education?
They wanted more access to education
What Main Country was involved in WW1
How did the United States get Alaska and what did they do to buy it?
They bought Alaska from Russia in 1867
Expansion of the Navy
How did the submarine attack influence the decision of ww1?
What opportunities for social mobility were made during WW1?
Women were able to access jobs that are reserved for men
How did imperialism play a role in ww1?
Britian and France expanded their empires
How did the United States involvement in Panama and Hawaii Contribute together?
They gave locations to them in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean.
What were the economic factors that led American imperialism in the early 19th and early 200's?
They needed new access to markets and materials
How did economic interests affect the relationship with European Nations?
Competitions for resources.
What and how did WW1 influence todays technology?
Machine guns and weapons.
How did nationalism lead to war?
Made competition / tension between the nations
What were economic, political, and social consequences of American Imperialism in Panama, Hawaii, and the United States:
New markets, Cheap Labor and Control over resources.
What is this country?
What was an effort that was made by the USA to avoid war?
Military readiness
How did the war effort inspire the population?
They contributed to the victory
What were the effects of alliances formed between countries before the war?
enhanced the size of wars
How did the annexation of Hawaii reflect American Imperialisms ambitions?
Locations and Natural Resources
How did new territories through imperialism impact the United States and the relationship with other countries
They transformed it into a global power.
What was the long term affects of WW1?
Creations of new nations
Did WW1 lead to positive or negative changes in todays world?
It lead to positive changes.
How many soliders contributed to the war?
4 million soliders served in ww1