Main Idea and Theme
Life After People
Cause and effect
Context Clues

What is the difference between the main idea and theme of a story?


The main idea explains what the text is primarily about and the theme is the life lesson or moral of the story.


Who is the author of the article, Life After People?

Answer: Delores Vasquez


Identify the dependent clause: 

Before Jestlynn went to school, she had a big cup of orange juice.

A. Before Jestlynn went to school,

B. She had a big cup of orange juice.

A. Before Jestlynn went to school

*Bonus if you can explain why


Choose the clue words that indicate cause and effect.

A. next, after, then, first, last

B. struggle, promise, problem, solution

C. consequently, as a result of, so, therefore

D. similar, common, compare, contrast

C. consequently, as a result of, so, therefore


True or False

Context clues are hints that authors provide to help readers understand the meaning of unfamiliar words in a sentence, paragraph, or passage. They can appear in the same sentence as the word they refer to, or in a preceding sentence.



Which of the following is NOT a theme?

answer choices

A. The importance of honesty.

B. The power of friendship.

C. The consequences of greed.

D. The number of chapters.

D. The number of chapters.


List some of the consequences of the disappearance of operators at nuclear power plants.


Cooling ponds will overheat, so the waters will boil away. Then the fuel rods will become too hot, starting fires and leaking radiation.


Identify the adjective.
Explorers came to America from faraway lands




What is a cause?

A. The result of something happening

B. The last thing that happened

C. Something that causes something else to happen

D. Something that happens

C. Something that causes something else to happen


he classroom was in a state of bedlam when the substitute was trying to teach. What does bedlam most likely mean? 

A. discipline 

B. dreaminess 

C. peace

D. disorder

D. disorder


Kittens need special care. You have to feed kittens twice a day. They have a lot of energy. You need to play with them often. Kittens will chew on almost anything they find. You have to watch them closely.

What is the main idea?

Answer: Kittens need special care


In lines 18-19, the author's use of the word "wander" means:

A. feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful 

B. unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.

C. walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way.

D. feel doubt.  

C. walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way.


I need Malachi Green to pick up the following things at Kroger ___ bananas, strawberries, and cookies.

A. semicolon

B. colon

C. comma

B. colon

*Bonus if you can explain your answer


An______ always follows a _______, meaning the cause initiates the event that leads to the effect

Answer: An effect always follows a cause, meaning the cause initiates the event that leads to the effect 


The air brakes of the old bus brought him out of his trance and he hurried aboard, anxious to escape the icy wind. Dropping his money into the fare box, he paused to acclimate himself to the air inside the bus. As the warmth of the bus’s interior rushed over him, he felt a brief chill roll across his skin. He relaxed his shoulders and scanned the seats of the mostly empty bus. He chose a seat near the back and headed toward it.

In paragraph 4, the word acclimate

means to —

A. verify carefully

B. become adjusted

C. identify accurately

d. feel comforted

B. become adjusted


To identify a theme in a story, a reader can ask ...

answer choices

A. What has the character learned?

B. What is the setting?

C. Who is the narrator?

D. ALL of the above

A. What has the character learned,


List the causes and effects of that occurred 250 after life without people.

Cause: vegetation takes over cities, forests regrow

Effect: signs of humans disappear. 


The guests gathered around the table. The dinner was served.

Which sentence shows a semicolon correctly used to combine the sentences?

A. The guests gathered; around the table, the dinner was served.

B. The guests gathered around; the table where the dinner was served.

C. The guests gathered around the table; the dinner was served.

D. The guests gathered around the table and; dinner was served.

E. All of the above.

C. The guests gathered around the table; the dinner was served.


Read the text below:

Automation is the use of machines to reduce the need for human labor. In other words automation is when jobs done by people become jobs done by robots. Automation can be a good thing. Because of automation, clothing, cars, and other manufactured products are available at good prices and in large supply. But automation can also be a bad thing. Because of automation, there are over 700,000 robots in America alone that do jobs once performed by humans. The way of automation may not be best for humanity, but it is the course we are taking.

Identify the cause and effect.

Cause: Machines perform human jobs

Effect: Cheaper product and fewer jobs


I thoroughly enjoyed that particular TV series and was saddened to discover that it was going on hiatus after only six episodes. 

What does hiatus mean in this sentence? What clues in the sentence led you to your definition?

Answer: Break/saddened...


Which characterization best reinforces the theme of the importance of being prepared?

answer choices

A. The hero spends a great deal of time training to defeat a villain.

B. The hero fights a villain who can control minds.

C. The hero lives in a society where every part of your life is planned out in advance.

D. The hero keeps dreaming about the problems he faces.

A. The hero spends a great deal of time training to defeat a villain.


What is the main Idea of the text, Life After People?

The main idea of "Life After People" by Delores Vasquez is to explore how Earth's ecosystems would evolve and adapt in the absence of human presence, highlighting the resilience of nature and the long-term effects of humanity's impact on the environment...

or, Without people the Earth's environment and it's animals will be jeopardized.


Marley Mejia-Aguilar plans to go to France to visit the monuments.

Where does the comma go?

Marley Mejia-Aguilar plans to go to France, to visit the monuments.


Let's see if you can come up with a CAUSE for the poor grade. Name two reasons (why something happened) that you would get a poor grade in Ms. Jackson's class.







I hoped our new dog would be very clever. Instead, he was very dumb.

A. What type of context clue is this?

B. definition- a definition or example of the underlined word is directly given in the sentence

C. synonym- a comparison of the underlined word is made in the sentence

D. antonym- a contrasting example (opposite) of the underlined word is made in the sentence

E. inference_you have to put the clues together to figure out what the underlined word means. There are no definitions or examples of any kind

D. antonym- a contrasting example (opposite) of the underlined word is made in the sentence
