How many 6th-grade teachers, including co-teachers, are there?
Eight (8), two for every core class and two co-teachers.
Who is known as Disney's mascot?
Mickey Mouse
Name the colors of the rainbow in order
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?
Spongebob Squarepants
I'm Loving It
What is the name of the library teacher?
Ms. Remington
What is the most recent Disney Movie?
What is the first planet in the Solar System?
The bad guys would have gotten it if weren't for those meddling kids and this famous talking dog.
Scooby Doo
Just Do It
There are two principles in charge of the sixth grade. What are their names?
Mr. Wheeling and Mr. Champion
Which Disney Princess has killed over 100 people while defending her home?
Mulan; the firework she shot killed a majority of the Hun army
What is the biggest mammal on Earth?
African Animal
What is the name of a little jester trapped in a circus with a ragdoll, rabbit, ribbon, and royalties?
Have It Your Way
Burger King
Who were the two sixth-grade teachers pied during the December fundraiser?
Mrs. Stephenson and Ms. Solliday
Which movie does the song Zero to Hero come from?
What is the longest river in the world?
Who is the girlfriend of the princess of hell who wants to send sinners to heaven?
Once you pop, the fun don't stop!
What class will Ms. Solliday be teaching next year?
Reading Intervention (RTI)
What are the names of Rapunzel's three traveling companions?
Eugene/Flynn Rider
Which US state shares the most borders?
This Dreamworks princess has to hide when the sun goes down due to feeling a little green from a curse.
Live in your world. Play in ours.