Coping Skills
Social Media

What is a coping skill?

A coping skill is an activity or skill that you do to deal with emotions. Coping skills should make you feel calmer.

Typically negative emotions such as being sad, mad, annoyed, frustrated, depressed, uncomfortable, embarrassed, etc.


What is the I message formula?

I feel ______ when you ________ because _______. Next time, I need _________.


Are rumors and gossip bullying?

Yes, rumors can turn into bullying really quickly. Rumors are typically said repeatedly and can make the other person feel hurt, alone, and sad. If you hear a rumor, do not spread it! Just shut it down.


Who should you share your passwords with?

The only people who should have your passwords would be trust adults in your life (parents/guardians). 

Do not give passwords to anyone else, not even friends!


What is a value? What is an example of a value?

A value is something that someone deems important in life. 

Examples: Connection, Physical Health, Emotional Health, Spirituality, Gratitude, Justice, Hard Work, Kindness, Open Mindedness, Presence, Privacy, Authenticy, Balance, etc.


True or False: Our emotions can affect other people around us 


Especially if we end up showing them as a negative behavior such as yelling, fighting, etc.


Name 3 ways that you can be respectful to yourself and everyone at school

Answers may vary. Examples may include: Keeping hands/feet to yourself, not throwing items, following classroom norms, treating others how you want to be treated, appropriate language, etc.


True or False: It is okay and funny to joke about someone else's appearance or family, especially if they are your friend


Remember that everyone has insecurities and no one's life is perfect. These "jokes" can be extremely hurtful! Never joke about sensitive topics, even if it's your friend


True or False: When you delete something off social media, it's gone. You don't need to worry about it anymore.


When you post something on the internet, it is there forever whether you delete it or not. Also, remember that people can screenshot things and share them around!


Who can you talk to when your struggling?


Teacher, parent, counselor, trusting relative and friend.


What is a calming technique that your can use when you're having a difficult time processing a problem? Clue: PART was does this acromyn stand for?

Answers may vary


  • Problem - identify
  • Action - steps you take
  • Result - the outcome
  • Takeaway - what you learned

What does respectful communication look like?

Answers may vary. Examples: Eye contact, listening, nodding your head, not rolling eyes/making faces, I Statements, don't interrupt, respect other's view points, no swearing or hate speech


What is an Ally? (100 points)

What is an Upstander? (100 points)

What is a Bystander? (100 points)

Ally - Someone who comforts the victim. They might ask if they are okay, hang out with them, invite them to eat with them, etc.

Upstander - Stands UP for the victim. Tells an adult, says something, does something to help!

Bystander - Stands by and watches. Doesn't do anything to help.


What is wrong with this profile?

Profile type: Public

Ella Rose Martin💗 

13. Conant Middle High School '29. Field Hockey #30🏑 

Way too much information. Make it a bit simpler without giving away too much information! You can still have a bio be personal without all of that information. Also, make sure you keep your accounts private! 


What does confidentiality mean? (Bonus +100 points if your team knows the times when Ms. Benz would have to break confidentiality)

Confidentiality means that everything you say to Ms. Benz stays between the two of you. 

However, Ms. Benz does have to tell someone else if you are being hurt, you want to hurt yourself or others, or you give me permission to share.


Annie is feeling stressed out and she feels like she's on edge all the time lately. She vents to her friend about it and her friend tells her to yell at the person upsetting her. 

Is this a healthy or unhealthy coping skill?


We should always treat people the way we want to be treated.


Make an I statement for this blame statement

"You're being so distant and quiet. You're acting like you don't want to hang out with me anymore. If you don't want to be my friend, just say it."

Answers may vary.

Example: I've been feeling confused and sad because we haven't been hanging out as much lately. Is everything okay? OR I've been feeling confused and sad because we haven't been hanging out as much lately. Can we hang out soon?


What are 4 ways you could respond to online bullying? (100 points per way)

Block, Report, Do not respond, Do not share, screenshot, Support the victim, Stand up for the victim


Someone is requesting to follow/add you on a social media app. You don't recognize the name or their profile picture and you have no mutual friends. You look at their photo and notice that the person looks around your age. They also send you a message that says "hey what's up?" 

What do you do?

Do not answer. You don't know this person so there is no need to talk to them. You also have no mutual friends. Delete the friend request and ignore. 

If they keep messaging you or adding you, you can block or report them as well.


What is Ms. Joyner's favorite flavor of ice cream? (400 points if you get my top favorite. 200 points if you get my second favorite)

Rocky road (I will also accept Cake Batter or Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough)


True or False: Coping skills change over time

True! We change over time so our coping skills will too. We may find new skills that work for us in the future. Or we can also change unhealthy coping skills into healthy coping skills.


Make an I statement for the blame statement below...

You left me out of the group chat on purpose! You're a fake friend!

Answers may vary 

Example: I feel upset that I wasn't included in the group chat. Usually we all talk about plans together. Could you please add me to the chat or could I be included next time?


What is the difference between conflict and bullying? 

Bullying is when someone is targeting an individual repeatedly to make them feel less. Usually the bully takes the power from the victim. This can be verbal, cyber, or physical.

Conflict is a problem between 2 or more people that usually can be solved with conversation but may need the help of an adult. Both people are involved in the conflict.


You see an embarrassing photo of another peer on social media. You think it's funny so you take a screenshot and send it to your friend. 

Is this cyberbullying?

Yes, this is cyberbullying. You are spreading around something hurtful about another person through social media/internet. Instead if you see something like that, report it immediately.


What is an accommodation on an IEP? (100 points for each letter)

Tools to help you be successful.
