Story Elements
Mood and Tone/Figurative Language
Examples of figurative language

Which part of the plot introduces the characters, setting, and problem?

What is the exposition?


the feeling the reader gets from reading the author’s words.

What is mood?


Which phrase is a metaphor?

a. His cheeks were red like cherries.

b. The clouds were marshmallows.

c. My heart jumped out of my chest. 

What is b?


 What part of speech are the words in italics? Lorraine read the book and wrote her report in one week.

What are NOUNS?


1Pizza is served in many school cafeterias in the United States on a daily basis, but it is actually still relatively new to the country. Pizza first arrived in the United States with Italian immigrants during the late 1800s. It was popular in cities that had a large concentration of citizens that had Italian roots. It remained relatively unpopular nationally for several decades until the end of World War II. Many American soldiers that had been stationed in Italy during the war enjoyed eating pizza on a regular basis there and when they returned to the United States, they wanted to continue to have access to it. Pizza then enjoyed a boost in popularity and soon went from being a food primarily consumed by Italian immigrants to one of the most popular foods in the country.

What inference can be made about American soldiers in Italy during World War II?
    a. They only ate food provided by the military.
    b. They ate local food they were unfamiliar with.
    c. There were strict rules regarding their diets.

What is B? They ate local food they were unfamiliar with. 


This part of the plot is the event that begins the conflict and can be found in the rising actions.

What is the inciting incident?


what the author thinks about the subject, the readers, or the characters.

What is tone?


Which sentence shows personification?

a. The fire licked her heels as she tried to escape.

b. The mountain was steep and jagged.

c. The bullets flew threw the air like daggers.

What is a?


 What part of speech are the italicized words? Most plants require plenty of sunlight, but some plants thrive in low light.

What are prepositions?


 This occurs when the author specifically reveals traits about the character in a straightforward manner. It is also important in showing the character's motivation, which refers to what characters want, fear, love, and hate.

What is direct characterization?


 What is the purpose of foreshadowing in literature?

  1. To hint toward future events, build suspense, and develop the plot.

  2. To keep readers from predicting how the story will end.

  3. To link characters together throughout the plot so readers are not confused

  4. To hide future events in a story in order to build suspense for the reader.

What is 1? To hint toward future events, build suspense, and develop the plot.


"My name is Jaris Spain. I wanted you to know that we just had the best English class in ages because of you. Most times it's a zoo in there. Some of those guys really harass Mr. Pippin, but you set a good tone right away and it changed everything. I just wanted to thank you," Jaris said. 

What does this metaphor tell you?

What is the classroom is loud and unruly; chaotic?


Which sentence is an example of simile?

a. His eyes were Hershey kisses. 

b. The stars winked at me. 

c. He responded like a Superhero trying to save the day. 

What is c?


 Identify the simple predicate in this sentence:

 Caribou eat plants and grass in the summer and mushrooms and lichen in the winter.

What is eat?


This is when authors portray characters using dialogue, appearance, actions, relationships, feelings, and overall place in the world. This can also be thought of as showing the reader something about the character.

What is indirect characterization?


This is the turning point of the story where the character decides to take action or life changes for the character.

What is climax?


What does this example of hyperbole tell you?

I didn't feel that way really. We'd lived in New York State for three months so far and it already felt like a hundred years to me, but I had to try to talk her out of this idea any way I could.

What is 

It shows that time seems to pass very slowly.

Which figurative language is shown in this passage?

Hope is the thing with feathers

That perches in the soul,

And sings the tune without the words,

And never stops at all,

What is a metaphor comparing hope to a bird?


 Identify the complete predicate in this sentence: African gray parrots often live for fifty years.

What is often live for fifty years?


Jared got off the train from his small farm village. He was now in the big city. An unshaven man with a trench coat with several holes in it approached Jared and told him that he was a police officer and that he needed to see Jared’s wallet. Jared did not think that the man looked like a police officer, but he didn’t want to get arrested on his first day in the city, so Jared reached into the front pocket of his overalls and gave the man his wallet. The man promptly ran away leaving Jared with no money. 

What character trait does Jared demonstrate? 

  1. gullible

  2. intelligent

  3. depressed

  4. juvenile 

What is a? Gullible


This type of irony is when something happens that you did not expect.

a. dramatic

b. situational

c. verbal

What is situational irony?


What is the difference between connotation and denotation?

What is Connotation is the feeling the reader gets from the word (positive/negative) and denotation is the dictionary definition of a word.


Which figurative language is shown in this passage?

all they want to do                    

is tie the poem to a chair with rope                

and torture a confession out of it.    

What is personification? A poem can't confess anything or be tied up. 


What type of conjunctions begin a dependent clause in a complex sentence?

What are subordinating conjunctions?


Warren pushed the back door open with his elbow. He was dragging a heavy black plastic sack behind him. Thud, thud, thud. The bag thumped each stair Warren descended. Thud, thud, rip, drip, drip. The bag had gotten caught on a nail and a foul, odorous juice poured out, splashing Warren's leg. "Ew... gross!" Warren shouted as he adjusted the bag. He walked out to the alley and deposited the bag in a large plastic container, closing the lid behind him as he left, still muttering about his pants.

What is Warren doing?

What is taking out the trash?
