What is Mrs. Goldberg's maiden name?
Jack's father has 3 sons. Snap, Crackle, and who?
Who were עלי׳s 2 sons?
חפני and פנחת
Which country is directly south of U.S.
Who in the class has the most siblings?
Hudi Heber
Wht is the correct way to spell Muruzuv?
Why is Europe like a frying pan?
It has Greece at the bottom
How many miles did שאול run with the לחות?
What does A.S.A.P. stand for?
As soon as possible
How many girls in the class live on Montgomery?
4. Chana k, Chasha, Sara lu, and Hudi
What was ms. Pinson's purim costume?
a student
I belong to you, but others use me more often. Wht am I?
your name
What is one נס about the לחות?
Either: The middle of the "ס" and the "ם" stayed floating. or Mpshe was ablw to carry them, even though they were pure saphire. (very heavy)
What does I.D.F. stand for?
Israeli defence force
Name all the girls with summer birhdays. (Tishrei doesnt count)
Chaya l, Sara sg, Hudis, Lulu, Alex, Leiba, Chaya Slavin, Brachie
What is Mrs. Rabinowitz's daughter's name? (the one who works in school)
2 fathers and 2 sons went fishing. they cought 3 fish but had enough for each person to have their own fish. How?
One father, is a grandfather. So his son is a father and son. And that man has a son. Confusin, I know
Which shevet was עלקנה from?
Who is the Mayor of New York?
Eric Adams
which 2 girls are tied at 2nd to oldest in the class?
Mushka and Hodayah
What block does Ms. Junik live on?
What comes once in a year, twice in a lifetime, but never in a thousand years?
The letter "E"
Name 5 mitzvas Asei and 3 mitzvas lo sa'asei
answers will vary...
Name 6 planets in 30 seconds
Answers will vary...
Name the first 12 girls on the class list in alphabetical order.
Hodayah, Mushka, Elki, Esther, Brachie, Chasha, Hudis, Hudi, Sara, libby, Rivka k, Chana k