Does Mrs. Z have kids?
Where was our first field trip?
The Farmers Marker
What subject do we do first every day?
What pets does Mrs. Z have?
1 dog, 2 cats
How many students are in the class?
Where was our second field trip?
The art show
What day of the week did Mr. Working come in for reading workshop?
What job gets done the most in the classroom out of all the jobs?
Line leader.. or door holder
What state was Mrs. Z born in?
What is 1 word that Mrs. Z says to students probably a few times (or more) each day?
What was the first activity we did at the farmers market field trip?
Shop for things!
What is one type of text feature you can find in a non fiction book?
Answers may vary
How many book fairs were there this year?
How many years has Mrs. Z been teaching?
Which two students have helped change the calendar this year?
Bonus 100 points: What month did Mrs. Z forget to change for a VERY long time?!
James and Calyx
Who bought a watermelon on the farmers market field trip and who carried it back?
Kyleigh bought it, Mrs. Z carried it
What was the writing topic we put in our first writing celebration?
Small moments about our lives
Mrs. Z taught you a lesson at the beginning of the year on how to talk to people. What two things matter when speaking to someone?
Your tone and your words
What are all three of Mrs. Z's pets named?
Java, Ringo, Simba
What did the class in their lockers the first day of school?
What is Mrs. Z's favorite field trip she has ever been on while teaching?
Farmers Market
What month did we learn about 3D shapes?
What book did we read the first day of school?
Our class is a family